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Show N. B. DRESSER, Editor and Proprietor Subscription Price $2 per Year, 6 Months $1.25 Advertising Rates. Cards, $1 per Inrli per month; display dis-play adH IsOe ht Inch, single column, Der HiuuLIl Uiucount for large space. Reading notices 10 cents per line first Insertion, S cents each subsequent In-aertlon. In-aertlon. Entered as Kecond class mutter July 14, 1910, at tho pout office at Delta, Utah, under act of March 3, 1S79. Salt Lake Office, 263 S. W. Temple St. A. C. Sorenson ilyrum Knight E. S. Marsh.!' Delta Mercantile and Implement Company Our stock is now complete in all departments, and we invite the people of Delta and surrounding country to do their trading with us. Our Grocery Department well supplied with staple goods, fresh in quality and reasonable in price, Prompt attention given to big or little orders. A big line of Granlteware just received Tinware and Woodenware for the kitchen. Our Dry Goods Department now completely t stocked with ev crything up to date for men women and children, t We are agents for the celebrated Foyal Tailors and have a full line of samples. Come in and let us fit you with a nobby suit, We make a specialty of SHOES of all styles, sizes and prices, We can suit you in any kind of footwear for men, women and children. t We handle one of the biggest lines of Farm Machinery in Delta. The Emerson Plow and Milwaukee Machinery are among the best farm machines niadc. We can supply you with any kinl of Farm Toot, M idline or Vehicle inaile. We Invite you to make our establishment jour lie:tiltiartets wl.cn you come to Delta. Delta Mercantile and Implement Co.r-1 New Settlers in Delta And other! can be supplied with Tents and Campers' Supplies at the Brick Store on Clark Street. .. If you need ANY KIND OF FOOTWEAR, see our big stock of Men's, Women's and Children! Shoes at the lowest prices. Percales, Ginghams and other ladies' dress goods just received. Complete line Fresh Groceries. R. J. LAW Clark Street DELTA 0 l Among Our New Arrivals of Spring Goods J ' Is a Large Stock of t X Messalincs, Voiles, Ginghams and other dress J that will please the ladies. $ .Ijoofs and Shoes in great variety for men, women children. See our New? Spring Suit Samples They're strictly up to date. The lrvny boy of I)eeret nii our best advertisement. DAMR0N & HAWLEY, DESERET j pring 5 5 3 spring Is here and when you want Spring Goods call on Geo. Day, Delta. Straw Hats, Summer Underwear, Doots and Shoes for everybody Call and sec my goods and prices The Old Settler and the JSfetv Settler Will find It to bin advantage to buy hi Garden Seeds of nn. We have two Kod linen of package weed. 1'ean, IteeU, RadiNh, Carrot, Turnips, Water Melon and Siuaah. We carry In bulk at a large Having In price. W have Dative and Imported corn. For the lawu we have Kentucky Blue Gra and Orchard Gras at 20 and t't fenta per pound. Idaho Seed Oata, 12. ."0 per cwt. Tools for the Farm and Garden Good lloe ,o Miovela 75c and $1 00 Kake '. 70 We are agents for different Implement companies and can usually aave you money on farm Implements and machinery, at we do not have to carry a large mock on hand. It taket only from ail to eight da to get the goods. It ill pay you to give u a trial. We 'iic!t the trade of the new nettler. Our more in the larg cut and our tock the niont complete and up-to-date on the West .Side. PRATT BROS. HINCKLEY, UTAH WATER SHARES WANTED. Forty shares of Deseret Irrigulton Co. water Block wanted. Give lowest cash price. , GKOKGK I). MITCIIKI.L. :!:!! Fourth St., Ogden. Utah. DISC PLOW FOR SALE. A John lH-ere double disc plow Tor sale; good H new. Will be sold fur $."0. Kmpilre at the Chronicle office. Bishop & Wallace Builders' 1 lardware, Paints, Oils, Glass. Cement, Coal and Hollow Tile for Building Purposes. These tile are the best and cheapest material for building pur- fxscs Warm in winter and cool in summer. Can furnish the lardware and tile for a building but can't build it for you. We . don't carry sugar, shoes or sausage, but if you want anything in our line we can furnish it. A big stock of goods just received. ' Call and See Them. OPPOSITE HOTEL - DELTA THEOBALD BROTHERS I Real Estate and Building Contractors WE buy and tell FARMS and CITY property-lf YOl! have any to sell WE will buy it II YOU want to buy WE have it to sell H YOU want to build a Men House, Cottage, or Sky Scraper, WE CAN IUJ1LD IT FOR YOU We ate in the liusiness, We are in it to stay, We are in it First, Last, and All the Time. Our Motto is: "A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL," that means YOU. We nfler you some excellent values in Improved Im-proved and Unimproved FARMS, with water tie,ht, Also choice locations in CITY LOTS. Thing have started to move, They are going. Get in NOW or you are lelt. HINCKLEY UTAH Kelly-Ryan Realty Co, Handle all kinds of Improved and Unimproved Farms and Real Estate. Have some exceptional bargain in jroml farina; also a few pood homestead and desert claim locations left. See us for choice relimitiitdimviit, all tinder ditch. Homestead and Desert Claim Entrymen Who want a title at once without the bother of proving up ace u as we can furtmli you with government at rip and get your title within week. If interested call or write. Kelly-Ryan Realty Co. Deseret, Vtsih |