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Show building and Is now building a wide veranda across the west side of his house. Itesldes ttiat he is grading the street in front of bis home and will seed down one side of It into grass. Ity the way, we have not noticed any move to improve Clark street. It U still full of chuck boles and bad cross lags. Some of the ditches around town liuve been cleared out and the water is Ho lug down them. It looks good a mi soon the trees will begin to green out and the town present a more attractive appearance. Delta now has a Golden Rule Store, (io to George Days and you will find out all about it. Also ask him about those 8."ks overalls. Pratt & Koseiibaiim began a well for Hert Wallace on Monday afternoon and finished It on Tuesday afternoon. They expect to put down a well every twenty-four hours, which Indicates how they are equipped for the business. busi-ness. Mrs. J. K. Pratt is now the manager of the Delia Club, formerly the Hotel Delta. Mr. Van Ilergen lias returned lo Salt Lake. Frank McDowell has his new restaurant res-taurant in tlie Stockham building now In operation. The Delta Drug Store has the agency for the Troy Laundry, and a basket is sent in every Tuesday. Two of the best dames the editor has attended in Delta were last Friday and Monday evenings. The Nephl orchestra or-chestra was in attendance and they made music worth while dancing to. There was n big crowd lu attendance. They will play for a dance next Friday ami as it is for the hall there should be a big crow d. We are publishing considerable mutter mut-ter this week about Millard county of interest to outsiders. We are also hi ruling out a large number of extra copies. If you want to keep posted on the afTairs of the county and all about the rapid development of'tttU section send in your subscription. IN AND AROUND DELTA flic Week's News from the Coming Metropolis The water was turned Into the Hume atd across the river last Thursday and on Tuesday when we were up on the north tract it was in nil the main trials and up beyond Farmers ranch. We don't believe any one' thought It would gel that far through the new and enluiged canals In so short a time. We doubted whether it would get so far before the first of May. There Is not a big How of water, either, as only enough has been turned in to soak up the ditches. There certainly need be no fear about plenty of water In ample time. All the farmers are busy up there plowing and planting iind clearing land. All the bents for the new steel flume are up and It will not be very long be-lore be-lore water Is flowing through that. The Intake to the old flume has also btcti enlarged so that a larger body l water will be carried through it. There was a big crowd of farmers at the depot on Monday alter seed gialn, the Ctah Real F.state and Livestock Live-stock Company having got a carload. K'verybody wanted some and there was not enough to go around. What the farmers are going lo do for seed and feed is a serious ipiestiou. We understood that the Delia Co. was going go-ing to gei In a lot but when they found that oats hud Jumped to f 2,!t0 a hundred they cancelled the order. If they want the farmers to raise crops we think they will have to do something some-thing about supplying them with seed. Hay Is now selling for $18 and $20 per ton and a good many are leaving because be-cause they can't afford lo stay, as a team will goon eat Its bead off. The small amount of hay raised last sea-sun sea-sun and the many new farmers coming com-ing In Is accountable for the situation. at least, and that is N. S. Bishop. He Is farming 300 acres of land and will put out 100 acres of alfalfa this sea-sou, sea-sou, lie has put up some fine farm |