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Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Stale engineer's Office! Salt Lake City. 1'tah. April 3. 1912. Notice Is hereby given that Colmore Cropper, whoHP post office adilre:' I Dowret. t'tah. ha made application In accordance with the requirement of the. Coinpiletl Law of t'tah. 1 07. a amended by the Seslon la of t'tah. i:)it and 1911. appropriate even ("I cubic leet of water per second from Sevier River, Millard County, t'tah. Said water will be diverted di-verted at a point 2.;4 leet north of the aouth ipiarler corner of Section fi. Township IX South. Range 7 Went. Salt Lake be and meridian, from where It will tie conveyed by mean of ' a canal for a dlMame of n.2'iu feet and there med duiit g the period from j January 1 to !eemlr HI. Inclusive., of each c;r. to Irrlgite acre of, land embraced In KVctlon P.. Township I JS Kouth, Itsnge 7 Went, and Heeti'in 24 and 2", Tonliip t Smith. Range 8 Wet, Salt Lake be and nierbi an Thl application I dexlgnaied In itie State Kngln. er a office a No. 4.I.VJ All proteHt againt the granting of1 ftald application. Rtaiing the ieaon therefor. mut be made by affidavit in ! duplicate and filed In thl office within I thirty 1301 day after the completion of the publication of thl notice 1 CALKH TANNKR. State KngineT. late of first publication. April II. 1JI2. Iwle of completion of publication. publica-tion. May It. 1912 |