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Show HIE NEWS FROM FILLMORE PciEc Affairs and Local Happenings tt tit Ccnsry Seal Mia Odesalt) Hendricks entertained the High School faculty at an fcastei party last Saturday night. Kach one pieaont waa given a unique Kaater souvenir. The table were elaborately and tastefully decorated with Kaater lllle and egg. All In all U waa tbe moat successful event of the kind that aome, at least, of the guests had ever been present at. Peter L. Hrunaon haa purchased a large pumping machine which be will use to pump the water to irrigate a hundred or ao of acres of hla farm below be-low Fillmore The well to furnlah the water will be about l.'O feet long and about GO jfeet wide. The Mothers' Social league, with the "men" present, held their meeting meet-ing I.ihI week at Mrs. Klla Day's. The evening wa spent with music and several sev-eral lively games. Mim. Sarah I'ratl hua returned from an all winter's visit with her brother, Joun T. Mitchell, at I'arowau, Next Saturday night K. K. Huaaett and his music student will present the oera "The Chimes of Normany" u the pu'jUc ol Fillmore. Koine of those taking part are his student In the district school and the high school. Some are ul private atudents. The writer thinks thai: U U In no proper ten h a school entertainment, and of course, ought not, therefore, to be ao advertised. The performance promises prom-ises to be a brilliant auccess. Considerable Con-siderable work ba been done In preparation, prep-aration, and the rostumea will be elaborate. The officers In charge are Mrs. hassett. director, and Mr. Aloiuo Huntsman, business manager. The commit iws appointed to collect col-lect the new allotment on the Millard Academy building lund are meeting with aome auccess. The correspondent corre-spondent think that until this matter la off our hand no other church movement should be started that will resell ill nskiiij the people for fund. I'nioti, no! riv.'ry or opposition. I what produce reulta. Lishop SpalJing's It'.le hook entitled "Joseph Smith, Jr., a a Translator," hua produced a great deal of talk and some excitement in Fillmore. There In, however, nothing In his book that need concern good Mormon very much. If at all. He haa merely proved that si,ie scholars disagree with Joseph Smith's Interpretation of the cut 'o.inl in the "I'e.ul of Great J'lue." What of It? |