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Show IN AND AROUND DELTA Hi Wttk's News firon the Ccj l!ctrcp:Ej The articles on the consolidation of the school districts in last week's Chronicle by A. A. Ashman, the county superintendent, was an unanswerable argument In favor of consolidation. , Petitions are being numerously signed ahkiug the commissioners to make the consolidation. Commissioner Maxfleld met a number num-ber of the west side fanners last Saturday Sat-urday to discuss the question of laying lay-ing out county roads In that section. One difficulty la that the law requires the roads to be four rods wide, and In many places the canals have taken up part of the road allowance. It Is proposed that adjoining farmers make an appropriation of a rod from their lands for road purposes. This will probably be done If the company will make an allowance on payments of the land so given. Herman Munster's big bonanza farm has been christened Hroadacres. "Mrs. Munster, who chone the name, thinks It a very appropriate one. Herbert Deign ton was down from Park City taking samples of the soil on their farm on the west We for ' analysis. They want to learn whether the land Is best adapted for strawberry culture, grain raising, alfalfa or bog raining. There will be a big dance at the ward hall Friday night, to which all are Invited. ' Garnett January Is now boas baker at the Delta bakery. We can't see but what the product Is. just as good as that turned out by Ale predecessor. A number of the directors of the Abraham Irrigation Co. held a meeting meet-ing at the bank this week. A full board meeting will be held at Salt Dr. Richards i getting settled In the new City Drug Store just west of the Kelli y Hotel. He Is putting an ad dli ion on the rear of the building. Mrs. Stockham was called to Ploche this week by the news of the death of her father. Dr. Stockham has sold his building to D. A. Hunker and John JimiiHon, jr. O. H. Lockyard came out trout Ios Angeles to look after the cultivation of his farm on the south tract. He expects to pat out wheat nnd alfalfa. He says the frost of last winter did a great deal of damage In California and the people are looking for a home In a country where there are not a many risks, and they naturally turn to Millard county. Many Nebraska people who have moved to Millard county find the names of trlends and acquaintances among those- killed and Injured In the destructive tornado that swept over Nebraska and adjoining states last Sunday. They feel thankful that they no longer live In a country where tornadoes, tor-nadoes, cyclones, blizzards and droughts ate of requent occurrauce. t.'tah is never vislied by these disturbances. disturb-ances. Y. II. Nell, the big stock tuan, came In this week to ree about the cultivation cultiva-tion of his farm just west of town. Will Shields and his wife moved Into their new house cn the west side this week and are glad to have comfortable shelter this weather. Q. D Shipley fell of htsT!c plow last week snd badly sprained his ankle. When Lawrence Abbott came to town with bis wife and baby on Monday Mon-day the team ran away, throwing bim to the ground and bruising him badly. The shafts of the rig were broken bu Mrs. Abbott and the baby were uninjured. unin-jured. Win Walker came back from St. George last Friday, lesvlng his bride titere for a few weeks. t |