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Show England a Oldest Dowllng Green. Which la our oldist recreation? 7 here are not wanting anheollglsie who profess to bo able to trace references refer-ences to football and baseball on Egy plain moral tablets. However, when It comeii to actual record, the tine Did Kngllsh game of bo la would appear to be aa old aa any. Southampton. Eng., haa record allowing that one or the local bowling greens was In existence In 1299, Many Interesting c-uatoma are asso-edited asso-edited with the game on this historic green. Kvery aumnier a "fire Juck" eompelltlon I held, and an order or knighthood la conferred ou the winner, win-ner, who kneels In the center of the green while the other playera gather round him aud the master louche bint with a a word aud Uuba blin "air." |