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Show NEWS NOTES OF SCIPIO Mrs. Arthur Jesou of Elslnore ls ere vkttlng with her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Monronl Monroe. Mrs. Ella Day Is also visiting at the donroe home. Grant Olsen and Earnest Wellden lave taken the contract of putting up he hew telephone line between Juab md Sevier bridge for T. Chirke Cal-lte. Cal-lte. j 1 Work has again started on the Se- ' ler dam or "l B. Dam." We boje 1 3 see It completed this time, Jt has 1 een a dangerous passage for teams 1 nd automobiles. 1 Robt. E. Elte parsed through In bis uto on an extended trip through the 1 outhern part of the stste. Mr. ' tlo was Interested with the Sparks- ' :ite Candy Co. of Salt Lake City. f Brother Owens of the Z. C. M. I. ailed on the merchmts Monday. He ' Idn't make a very long stay this rip. Dr. Christie and Dr. Kirk are at the llller Hotel for a few days only, hose wishing their teeth tended to ad best call al once. Mrs. Ellott Wellden has ben very li I for ten days. 8he Is reported bet- r at this writing. ? Miss Pearl Peterson has returned om Nephl and taken up her old po- T tlon at Jens P. Peterson's store. r Mrs. Jens P. Peterson hss gone to elta to visit her son Dean F Peter- S n. We will have to congratulate ' r on being grandmother. MWs Ceniere Petersen has gone to II unalson to visit her sister Annie, tl bo is clerking In the Edwards store |