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Show Thoughtful Child. A dear little girl was most anxious for a certain treasure which her pa rents were not ready to give her. A sympathetic aunt, knowing tbst mam ma always besrd the little one say ber prayers, advlaed the child to pray for the Ion red for article, letter sb Inquired about reaulta and found that nothing Had happened so far. "How many times did you pray for it?" she liked "Oh, twice." said the child, shyly. "Hut you must keep on praying, pray-ing, honey. Don't you know that when you want a thing you must prsy for It over snd over until It comes?" "Well, you see." the little girl ex plstned, blushing, "I didn't wsnt to worry Clod about my wishes. I . thought he knew what I wanted, even without telling, and It didn't seem, ptlle to keep on asking every dsy." Besldsa. Socrates had dropped In on Plato, and It waa about meal time. "I suppose." said Plato. "Xantlpp Is rather" "Tea." hastily Interrupted the old philosopher, "and abe'a clean Leg bouse besides!" Work foe Grestest Artists. Designing, etching, aad engraving f Has bookplates Is a thriving profession pro-fession In Vienna. Some of tbe great-1st great-1st artists re engaged In the produw Uos ( these work ct art |