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Show Goldneld Con. No Longer Listed. New Tork. Gold n eld OoosoUdated Minna company stock to tho volwrae of f36.S91.489 was summarily throw a 08 the New York stock eschange Monday for refusing to comply with a rule of tbe eachange. Burglar Bagged by Palaver. Lake George, N. T. Frank OardlaaJ f Hudson Falls died front a ballet wound received la tha borne oa Lake George of Henry W. Watroae. a well-known well-known New Turk artist, whose be was trying to rob. Stag ef Cold Nuggets Awaits Owner. Hatchinaoo, Kan A bag ef gold BggeU and gold dust, estimated to be worth fit 000, a walla aay keers who raay be found to tbe eetAte of Urn. Asa M. Berahart, who died re-eacUy re-eacUy la Davenport, Iowa. Doctor Killed by Woman. Saraaaaii, Ga. Dr. Guy O. Brink-W Brink-W a ptiyslciaa of this city, was shot to drth la his office by Mrs. Eogene 1L Whisssat. a widow who, after ir-1ng ir-1ng all shots at the physklaa. kUkd hereof |