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Show VALUE OF SMALL MILK SHED Should Be Well Vsntllatsd In Summer and Wsrm In Winter Hsvs Room for One Cow. (By M. A. COVERDELU) Every farmer should build a small abed or compartment of some kind In which to stand the cows at milking time. The nearer the barn the better. It should be well ventilated in the summer and made warm during the winter months by setting up fodder around It or lining It with building paper or roofing material The ahed may be any slse desired, but ample room for one cow is all that Is necessary. Have nails arranged ar-ranged on the wall for banging milk palls In places of safety while the cows are being led to and from the shed. If there are any sore teats, caked udders or other ailments to be treated die milk shed offers a safe place la which to do It quickly and any trouble trou-ble with the animals In band will tause no disturbance among the other members of the herd. Spraying solute solu-te Is also eaaler applied In the shsd tasn anywhere else. Where one feeds the cows at milking milk-ing time the milk shed removes the difficulty of feeding the cow that is being milked In sight of the other animals. Some cows will fret and worry away a large portion of their milk If another cow is being fed In sight or hearing of them. Then, feeding feed-ing the cow In the milk shed makes It unnecessary to uae so many feed troughs. Hy keeping It well cleaned out and properly drained the milk shed Is always al-ways ready to lead the cow Into and milk under agreeable and sanitary conditions. If It be in the summer time the shed msy be darkened and the pesky files thus gotten rid of, which means a lot of solid comfort to both the cow and the milker as well aa a greater amount of milk. With proper ventilation such a shed Is also much cooler than the sweltering dairy barn where the animal's breath combined with the heat of their bod lea contribute liberally toward the main teuance of a high temperature. CARING FOR MILK PROPERLY . mmmmmmmmm mm Two Grest Factors Are Cleenllnsss and Temperature Expose All 1 '"Uienslla to Sunshtne I Cleanliness and temperature are the two great factors In keeping milk sweet The fresh-drawn milk la almost al-most free from bacteria until It becomes be-comes contaminated, either during the milking process or while waiting the start for delivery. To keep them out is not so easily accomplished as ths general public Imagtnea. The small-eat small-eat particles will fall Into the pail, even with painstaking care and ths best that caa be done is to use a sanitary san-itary milk pail which should be covered cov-ered aa much aa possible and' to brush the cow and odder before milking. milk-ing. In order to free the milk from the animal beat It la necessary to aerate and cool at once and bold at a low temperature, thus preventing bao-terla bao-terla starting, for It takes but three per cent of lactle acid to start the soaring process. frequent scalding and exposing to sunshine of all milk ntensils and machinery ma-chinery are of vital Importance la 'keeping milk sweet Parmer's Wife. CONVENIENT TRUCK IN BARN Dairyman Cannot Well Afford te Ignore Ig-nore Anything That Will Tend te Lighten La be re. No dairyman caa afford to Ignore that which will lighten bis labor In any way whatever. Be bis stable ever ao conveniently constructed, be baa enough to do. Hence the importance of bis considering the truck or car presented to the cut tor which we are Indebted to an exchange. Made of good lumber, the only iron about Dairy Bam Truck. It is the handle at each end by which 1 to draw or push It and the straps which are screwed axalast the ends, engage the ends of the axle outside ' the wheels and are screws? flat ! against tbe bottom of the truck. .Fat Content ef Milk. 1 The percentage of fat In the eow'4 milk Is determined by two things ' Brat, the breed, and second, the ladl 1 Tlduallty. Tbe milk flow may be atisa : slated by feed, but the fat content ca ' not be affected ander normal ceadt i ttooe. mmmm. mmm Cew Essentials. It is Just aa essential to know bow . to keep a cow at her beet la milk pro-1 pro-1 fucttoa aa It ta to know bow to balU ar ep to bee fun capacity. |