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Show to give itlll greater enjoyment to themselves as well as others. The debate lust Friday evening between be-tween Millard Academy and Millard High School waa another proof that hasty work and eleventh hour prepa-tlun prepa-tlun cannot succeed. The High School debaters aiisuuied a good deal in their main contention that the U. 8. U a toverelgu power In Panama, and that the Hays-Pauncefote treaty and the Panama treaty a'. t In conn let. The Academy debaters were weak In rebuttal, re-buttal, the first speaker leaving too much ground for the second speaker to cover, but they were thoroughly Informed on their subject and were able to answer every argument of their opponents. The presentation of their argument lacked force and convincingness, con-vincingness, while their opponents with their better stage presence, clear presentation pre-sentation enthusiasm and constant repetition made weaker arguments more effective and the decision In favor of the negative was not a surprise sur-prise to the audience. GATHERED AMONG OUR BBS Information Gleaned by the Editor and Hit Staff In the Nearby Settlement. In driving to Hinckley this week the editor noticed that the strong west and north winds of the past few days have been driving the water of the reservoir against the banka so that they have been caving off badly. Unless Un-less post are driven In and a break water of brush built along the banks i on a number of places the road will cave away In a few months. New babies have recently arrived at the homes of Nephl Sewart, Don Bishop, Luden Whitehead and Ray Slaughter. Last week Mrs. Geo. I'axton was taken violently 111 with convulsions which rendered ber condition very ae-(rlous ae-(rlous for a few days, but she Is apparently ap-parently out of danger now. , If you want to get a tailor made to measure cult, a perfect fit and very reasonable in price leave your measure meas-ure with the Hinckley Cop., mid they will get you one of those Crack 'a-Jack 'a-Jack suits the Academy boys are find Ing so satisfying. Mrs. Virgil Kelly has been quite III but baa recovered sufficiently to return re-turn to Salt Lake with her daughter, Mrs. Ryan, who has been down here a short time. The graduation exercises of the Academy will be held on May 1 and 2. Pratt Bros, have some first class alfalfa al-falfa seed for sale at from 7V4 to 10 cents per pound. The Cash Drug Store baa ftll colors -f t'e ps4er and green wire for . M&n.MulutMUDHutak tlon Day. It la about time to begin them. Shelled nut meats for candles and cakes will also be found at the Srug store cheaper than the unshelled nuts. Also plenty of denatured alco aol for lighting gasoline lamps cheaper than wood alcohol. Wednesday evening at the Academy i delightful musical was given by the Following girls: Blye Moosy, Laprlel Robinson, Clara Stewart Weatlhy Parker, Kosetta Pratt and Maud Lar-lon, Lar-lon, aasisted In one or two numbers )y Inez Wilkin. Elsie Richards and Mrs. Broad d us. While there were no rery difficult or Intricate numbers on Ite program all were pleasing and melodious, and the large audlene seemed very attentive and apprecia Uve of both the explanatory remark and the music. There was evidence c' much artistic finish and Intellectual comprehension on the part of ti.e fcirts, and presence of mind, enabling them to pick themselves up and finish fin-ish creditably after any slight error caused by nervousness. The staj?e was beautifully arranged like a par'.cr and decorated with potted plants. The singing contest of the M. I. A hss revealed the startling fact that there Is not a young girl under IS in the Deseret stake who has had any instruction In singing. Therefore all the contestants from the various wards were of perfectly raw material, mater-ial, untrained except for the preliminary prelimin-ary practice of the songs for the con test. The words and tune of ft so:m ran be mastered In a few days, bu'. yc.ing people can scarcely ex-ct to present finished or beautiful work In any line of art without years of study md training. The Delta girls are especially es-pecially to be commended for their distinct enunciation, earnest and Independent In-dependent presentation of their sonic and for keeping together steadily I". rhythm. For untrained singers the Hinckley girls deserve much eredt for the success of their efforts tv; erect, graceful carriage, calm bret!i rcntrol, well rounded mellow tones and harmonious blending of voices, and sympathetic Interpretation of their song. All the girls from ail tae towns deserve credit for entering the contest and doing their bst In spite of their natural timidity. The result of the contest will be announced later after the Mutual officers have aettled some slight misunderstandings due to the fact that the meet was not properly advertised. However, the victory or defeat does not ma'ter. Tae Important thing la that ftll our towna have plenty of musical talent that only needs practice and training |