Show u L I i 4 c. c I 1 r. r j I I I I I. I I i. i i 3 I y It is t ty 14 j 1 t. 1 1 oJ 1 7 j I Ii r. r I j h 1 I F Al BS ES ESIn I 11 1 S 0 i In the Delta trading area receive the thes Ii s MILLARD MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE CHRONIC E and allowing 4 m members to a family the I i t Chronicle is read by at least 6 1 f r I 24 00 r. r I r r. r I i I. I t r 0 n. n I. I 1 PEOPLE o J t 1 I I n mt I I 0 Y S 41 I y t tr t iJ I I hr 7 t dl j Jn I or I ii 1 fr f 11 1 J J rt t i I 0 a i. i r r I i. r As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM the C Chronicle has the field covered and once tried- tried always and exclusively used h 1 pO r 10 S p f l A. A ll s I. I 4 p y r t p 4 t c crt I r f rt 1 r 1 S I f. f y v C 10 t. t r lA S 5 H F hl I I rt S FOR Fon- SALE Classified ads The Thet I t s I in cost 9 t and largest is In rey re- re y turns o I. I 1 too tt tl WANTED Users of these ads We e res t r TRY A CA t k v Jr J- J r H ti 1 I. I I I I S fI f 55 t I 11 SS 5 S. S 5 S I 0 r I. I f J i j T I a Simplicity S Sf o of f coo coolie cooling Ie lilg s system J Jis is a feature of the new Ford FordA A COMPLETE water plant is isa The hot water aron around d a n part of every automobile the cylinder head is drawn as it is a part of every modern mod mod- to the radiator to be he cooled ern city by a n centrifugal water pump of new design The purpose of oC this water plant is to keep the engine The entire cooling system cooled to a temperature that of oC the new Ford is so 80 simple will make it efficient in o oper er- er erin in design and so 80 care carefully ully alion If it were no not if for or this made that it requires very the cylinder walls would become be be- belittle little attention e come me overheated and the The radiator should be pistons refuse to operate kept full of course and The cooling system of the drained drained once each month so 80 new Ford is particularly interesting in in- that sediment will not collect because it is so so and retard the free passage simple and reliable of w water ter In cold weather a n reliable anti freeze solution When the radiator is full tion should be added J of water the engine of the new Ford will not overheat A As s owner and d manager b of or under the hardest driving this important water plant Yet the water is so regulated you sater should also see that the water pump and and d fan shaft that it will win not impair engine en are prope properly ly lubricated and anti gine glue operation by running too cold in winter the packing around the pump shaft kept in adjust adjust- The cooling surface of or ment meat the tho Ford radiator is large Hose Hos connections on nee t. t Ions may with four fou rows o of r tu tubes es set setin also need replacement after in 11 staggered d position positron so that long service For those these little each receives t the e fu full benefit bene adjustments it pays to call callon fit o of the incoming ng air au air The on the Ford dealer fan is 18 of or the airplane propeller pro pro- peller pelie type typo and draws air He works under close factory fac fac- through the radiator at the tory supervision and he be has rapid rate of or 1350 cubic feet been specially trained and per er minute at 1000 equipped to do a revolutions revolution per pcr n minute min min- n. n ute of tho the motor job at a fair price FORD MOTOR COMPANY CAbout C About this time of the year when father gets through playing playing playing play play- ing with the Christmas toys the kids can get at them The days are getting longer and and the the coal pile shorter gOU Forgive your enemy enemy if if he is bigger than you are and you cant can't lick him As a nation we spent more for cosmetics than for wages v for I school teachers un U S 5 Anything thing is that the m man who rids a hobby want wants to take up the whole road with it YOU x YUU By golly goUy our idea of a lucky man is the the D Delta fellow who got gota a muffler to wear over the tie he got for Chirst nas U Mothers who do the poorest job training their children are are the on ones s who tell the teachers the loudest how to do it NOTICE OF OP SALE In the District Court of Millard County State of Utah In n the Matter of the Estate of MAHONRI M. M STEELE STEELS Deceased Notice Is hereby given that on Wednesday the day of January 1929 at the hour of 2 o'clock P. P M. M I I of the administrator the he undersigned estate of Mahonri l M. M Stele Stelo DeC as- as I ed will sell at public sale at the front door of the County Court House Stator I State at Fillmore Millard County of Utah all the real property of the said aid estate to the highest and best bidder for tor cash or upon such s terms as 18 s may be bo be arranged with said adminIstrator administrator admin admin- said property being real estate es- es tate ate situated In the tile County of Mill Mill- rd State of Utah and more particularlY particularly described as follows The East Quarter of the Northwest Northwest Northwest North North- west Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Quarter ter er pf Of Section 3 Township 17 South Range Lange 7 West Salt Lake Meridian n containing 10 acres and the North half alf of Lot 4 In Block 79 Plat A Delta together with the improvements and appurtenances nees thereunto hereunto belonging and also an nn equity equity e- e In the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3 Township Township To To- 17 South Range 7 West Nest Salt Lake ake Meridian containing acres ares a- a and all buildIngs buildings build build- res cres eres together with any and appurtenances Ings nga Improvements ances thereunto belonging belonging- Also Forty shares of water stock In to the Delta Canal Company together with I any ny and all water and ditch rights of every nature natura however evidenced used on or belonging to said lands land subject to a prior mortgage to the State of ot Utah In the the sum of ot 2000 Dated at Delta Utah this day of January 1929 29 M. M M M. Steele Jr Administrator Levi Strauss Two-Horse Two Brand Riveted Copper Waist Overalls For Men and Youths r MARK Two-Horse Two Brand Bib Overalls For Men and Boys Have been the standard for over 5 55 5 years Th They y are built for Eor to honest-to-goodness w wen wear e a r rand rand and will give you more wear per dollar than any other overalls overalls over- over alls alb made Buy a pair today under under under un un- un- un der the following guarantee A New Pair FREE if They Rip All first class dealers will tell you we make good on our guarantee Made br Levi Lovi Strauss Co San Frandsen Since 1853 |