Show r Fire Insurance 1 x tI r t j. j I I fr 1 ri t i 7 t. t 4 i I 1 H ar en Fund l Fr Frank Beckwith Agent j J. J I. I i.- i. I r. i Eat and andi I. I i Save Save 7 B By RING LARDNER t wro To ro the Editor These days most everybody are preaching economy In and etc but the great grent majority dont don't dontI know how to go about It to lay something something some some- I thing aside for tor a rainy day of ot which God knows we have had enough of ot them on Longs Long's Island this spring but married coupie couple cou anyway I run a pie of ot man and wife the other day that has got 3 children all under 60 yrs of ot age and the man showed me where he bad had solved the high cost enough problem and was weekly so as In a few yrs be he can quit work and not half balt to worry as they will be enough In the bank to Insure he and his family vs want In 10 their old age This man Is a plasterer by trade and only making per week as the tho Union dont don't allow him to work Monday Wednesday Friday and holidays holidays hol hole and only day Saturdays A. A M. M Well 1 night this man and al ai the old lady as he called his wife s B down and had a serious talk and begin begin be be- gin to figure ti things lags out and found they were only laying per week to 1 side and spending all the rest of it I an few yrs at that rate they would be on the bounty of the country So this bird said to his wife We have got to economize or ruin Is staring us In the face tace as all allI allI I can skimp up in my profession is per week and we aint only of ot it and wile wileve we ve are live live- Ing In the lapse of ot luxury why suppose sup pose something happens to me so I couldn't plaster no more where would you and the kiddies be aU ate at So SoI I propose that we start and run the thi house on the budget system So the Mrs who had never seen the InsIdes of ot a college asked him what was a budget system Well he says the Ithe word budget comes from 2 Lithuanian words and et and It means I will give you 10 per week to buy the food tood and clothes and pay the rent and washing and services and etc and I 1 will take the other and stick itin It ItIn Itin in the old bank every week and in a few tew yrs we can give the world tho the laugh even If It I cant can't plaster plaster plaster plas plas- ter or get plastered no more So his Mrs was tickled to death and said lets let's try it Well she set down with a p ar arand r rand and pencil and figured I a atypical atypical atypical typical expense account t t sl she It made out for tot a week MONDAY BREAKFAST P le hn If levies vies ripe olives celery clam i tn tho sword fish ham and eggs liver Ilver r u u bacon lettuce and tomatoes i f COLey Corey Island dressing hon honey y flew dew la mode coffee and cigars MONDAY LUNCHEON Rum Ruin ode cook t tall tail terrapin Island lh port spinach and onions tc coffee corree and cigars Russian I I MONDAY DINNER Caviar r Martinis Martinis Mar Mur tinis lobster Guinea hen Or ns potatoes roo soot root pudding coffee ml 11 cigars creme de menthe Total c tx a On Tuesday Wednesday and irs irs- KS- KS day they was all too sick to eat LilY Any thing FRIDAY BREAKFAST Butter Butterfish sh weakfish halibut sea bass FRIDAY LUNCHEON Brook trout perches white fish catfish dogfish whale coffee and cigars sherry FRIDAY FRIDAY FRI FRI- DAY DINNER Oysters clams crawfish craw craw- fish fish smelts shrimp blue bluegills gills guts Sk line Une and sinkers coffee corree and cigars Total expenses SATURDAY BREAKFAST Talcum Talcum Tal cum powder r. r porterhouse smothered anions onions Longs Long's Island prairie dogs snipe squab quail quaD pheasant Watertown Watertown Watertown Water- Water town geese bacon and eggs soup and fish SATURDAY LUNCHEON Robins thrush larks bob o parrots parrots parrots par par- rots canaries owl eyes coffee cartee and cigars SATURDAY DINNER Sherry Sher Sher- ry and egg Total expenses SUNDAY BREAKFAST BREAKFAST- Ice cream vaseline cigars and coffee SUNDAY DINNER Crackerjack peanuts pop popcorn popcorn popcorn corn milk mUk chocolate chewing chew ing gum candles coffee and cigars SUNDAY SUNDA Y NIGHT SUPPER Belgian police poUce dogs Pomeranians Yorkshire terriers spaniels mastiffs Boston baked beans greyhounds wolf wolfhounds wolfhounds hounds Airedales setters pointers water and c cigars gars cognac Total expenses expenses ex ex- This left Mrs Plasterer with 00 bucks per week to throw away awny on her herand herand herand and the kids as the husband could get along O. O K It on his plasterers uni uni- uniform form so she decided for the best way to do would would be be to let the kids run runaround runaround runaround around ba bate and that left her bel with per we week k to buy shoes or 1 pair paira a week and still leave her ber to stick in the bank As for the clothes outside of the shoes and etc my friend the plasterers plasterer's plas wife saved rayed enough shells from the seafood to to keep her children in shell glasses s as IlS they was all near nearsighted nearsighted sighted and she saved enough bo bones es ort oft the fish to keep herself In corsets cor cor- sets and she saved enough fur off ort the dogs to make herself a coat and enough fur oft off the birds to keep her herIn herin herin in hats and enough leaves off the lettuce lettuce let let- tuce and anchovies to make her dresses and all in all aU it will take ft a whole lot of tough luck for tor his family tam fam fly ily to find in the realms of ot poverty and I 1 give the details to your readers In the hopes hODes that they they I profit by It It as all a person needs to beat the cost of ot Is a bud budget t tem and a thrifty wife I L L y I i by the Ben Heil Ino 4 SUMMONS IONS c r r s t.- t. I DESERET SA SAVINGS VIN s 's BANK DANK BANK a acor corporation cor cor- corporation or r Plain Plaintiff tUf vs CHARLES W. W ERICKSON and ETTA ERICKSON his wife NORMAN ER ICKSON and ind LIZETTE ERICKSON his wife wire and R. R E. E Towne Defendants THE TIIE STATE OF OP UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned to appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear within twenty days after tho service of this summons u ons upon you If U served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise I within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled untitled action and andIn andin In case of your our failure so to do judg- judg will bo be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint complaint complaint com com- plaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court This action Is brought to recover a judgment foreclosing foreclosing fore fore- closing plaintiffs plaintiff's mortgage upon theland theland the tho tholand land and wa water eT stock described in said complaint for the appointment nt of a a. receiver and for costs of suit J. J A. A Melville Attorney for Plaintiff P. P O. O Address 6 Deseret Bank Building Salt Sal L Lake ke City Utah First pub Jan 10 1929 Final pub Feb 7 1929 J. J A. A MELVILLE Attorney At Law Delta Utah Salt Lake Lalee Office 6 Deseret Bank 0 1 r t t II r ORDER FROM US STUMBLING f li There re are arc al all i- i rinds 7 of grocery stores lust st as there are are all J. J ds of Dh fibers plc-fibers ibers me- me cl ci nic auto uto drivers etc Each i 1 i- i governed greatly by hereditary tendencies environment poor pOt training and habit Hab Hag they say is the influence in eve eve ev- ev e e e- y 7 individuals life and this may account for the way in which most grocery grocery grocery gro gro- cery stores scatter their foods all over the floor making is necessary for prospective buyers to stumble over baskets of apples onions potatoes etc in entering or walking walking walking walk walk- I ing around the average grocery store One grocer grocer grocer gro gro- does it because others others others oth oth- ers do and grocery stores of today generally general general- ly speaking are about as they were 20 years ago NO DETOURS I There are no detours in inan inan inan an O. O P P. Skaggs System store No floor displays to stumble over of fall upon No gates to pass or other obstructions to interfere with a a. patrons patron's journey Our traffic is definite and complete Its route takes our buyers buyers buyers buy buy- ers past all departments and lands them at the where they are quickly and courteously courteously courte courte- ou ly served and permitted permit permit- ted to be on their way feeling they have just left a public serving in institution institution institution in- in whose store arrangement reveals that is is the customers' customers comforts and pleasures which first con con- up SK GGS FOOD STORES ORS t T I 1 1 J I I I I I I t and Cre Cream Crean Calves Pigs an m stock food Skimmed milk pret expensive Cream Cream- is a pretty y is invaluable as a health food for y young oung stock and doubles the food value of cereal proteins But when your separator runs runs' cream out to your stock along with the skimmed milk then you are losing money We Ve will be glad to check up on your separator efficiency efficiency effic effic- adjustments free lency for you and make the necessary of charge If it needs repairs we can qan an repair it It it is beyond beyond beyond be be- yond repairs our new Golden Series De Laval is now now ob- ob on very easy payments and it will pay for itself as you use it It represents a new standard of skimming Q efficiency new wider temperature range for clean skim- skim new ming heights of operating ease new new freedom from friction reducing lubrication- lubrication mechanical troubles troubles new new new tougher metals for even greater durability There is no other separator with which y you u can compare compare compare com com- pare the Golden Series De Laval Until you have seen it and used it H you can can have no idea of the won wonderful ments ts which have been made improvements which make the present De Laval the greatest separator value ever of of- of How may Y ivo wo help you your 1 Delta Delia a Valley Valle Creamery Company Household Hous e hold Utensils I IVe I'Ve We Ve have a complete line of household household utensils such such as Tubs Buckets Mops Wringers Brooms et etc White and Gray Enamelware re Aluminum and and the new bright colored Enamelware in Green and Red Come in inand inand inand and ma make e your purchase from a complete stock Ammunition Sale We are still selling 22 shorts for 16 16 Lon Longs s forand for 22 and 22 long rifles for 26 All other ammunition at rock bottom prices I. I Come and Get em Bonneville Sonneville Lumber Co Cae F 9 HOMEBUILDERS HOMEBUILDER r Phone 34 1 Delta Utah STORE STORt L t TRACTOR I t SCHOOL delta T Theatre Theat re reAN February AN EDUCATIONAL AND N J D I T YE ON 0 MODERN lU THons AND EQUIPMENT lYE WE INVITE J ALL ALLARE LL rHO ARE INTERESTED TO 10 ATTEND ATTEN Gardner r Koiter A I |