Show tf r-tf L i i HENRY FORD REMARKS ON N SUCCESS I I If there is a man in the nation who is entitled by his achievements achieve achieve- achievements ments to talk on the subject of success suc success it ess It is Henry all our talk from bank banle presidents to school schoolmarms schoolmarms schoolmarms' his has h s been Save Saye Save Save Stint squirm be small hole hol in in BUT SAVE SAVEL 4 Everything to the theone one end Accumulate A It v s dinged into our ears until unil no other words were thought of And now come Henry Ford and says Be big Be broad Be a pusher Have big ideas and go out after em But dont don't skimp narrowing and contracting yourself into the little Do things on a big scale with force yet eco economy omy olny spend all you have or ever will have freely for improvement and make maIm your output better in quality than the other Lellow's fellows and cheaper because you have been more liberal in spending for improved and best equipment the most modern methods and and then win out But dont be he niggardly small stingy and little No great success success success suc suc- cess Says Henry was ev ever r built by a two-by-four two fellow This has as bought down onto Henry a lot of criticism And Henry hasn't back pedalled in it all ll either but stuck to his guns ls s. s From the b baron robbers of the feudal udal ages down to today the fellow who gets there is the fellow who goes right out with 4 an idea and puts it over over without waiting to get just a little littlemore littlemore more in cash saved up and Im I'm all right Did Jemes J. J Hill wait until he had accumulated a fortune No indeed He pushed the Idea and the fortune came in inthe the the- wal wake Rockefeller on the 5 other hand always was and always will always will be a smaller man despite despite despite de de- de- de spite his great riches He Pie accumulated d and saved and then i with a cinch accumulated saved more John Dee could play all day long behind a l lath th and never be seen beyond its edges edges edges- and Edison Westinghouse Firestone All idea men who got 1 the idea over letting the money come from improved methods methods methods meth meth- of f manufacture e or or bigger production The very small narrow niggardly little flea whose sole and whole purpose in life is to save save save- saveY Y Yes s hell he'll have s some me saved up all right but th the big l business is grabbed off by the gink who would waste in one day the others other's sav savings of months to grab graban an idea tight and ana put over a plan Then with executives under him to watch the leaks and slice c coners toners ners the money motley will pile in There is good counsel in Henrys Henry's plan Conservatism has its place place we we must save we riotously squander we must accumulate But not too long or the back will be bowed i 1 to the task of it the nose nOS stuck on the grindstone and some someI I fellow with nerve gaul gain shove push will ill snap up the thing the saver has been getting ready for and beat and beat him to it While not conceding that there is to the other side just give Henrys Henry's Ideas nt in your think-tank think and see if after reflections there is not a great deal to it Each man must follow his bent bent bent- if a saver small little penurious he must think in tiny little steps play lead pipe cinches and re remain remain remain re- re main small even if he does get big money But But the fellow who steps big runs with no provision of what ballast hes he's accumulated accumulated accumulated but says follow me up you heads of departments and do your work on my idea idea but but me for r the big things is the fellow who grabs off the biggest prizes Give Givet it a rec receptive though thought Bud But inthe mean meantime time unless you are absorbed in the big a nii your whole output output output out out- put continue to Save So There you are Each man is a meas- meas sure to himself i 4 t. t Youth is is aggressive old aggressive old age c conservative More fibre big business business business busi busi- ness has been built under Henys Heny's plan than under the other gUY A man in Mexico lived live be But then there were no autos in that part of the country J vu t Mules dules and men Ilen are two things t that at dont don't make malee any he headway dway while they're kicking |