Show Should Be Affidavit Go With This Story Col Co R R. R C c. Fielding relates re rev kites lates an nn Incident that that thatIs Is both amusing and peculiarly British In backing his Us tar fur Into a n parking ln space In London he humped Into the car behind him and stove In the mudguard Being Ina in to ina a a. a hurry to keep an as appointment he heIll did Ill not wait walt for the owner of the car carto carto to return but poked puked his card Into the steering wheel and went on his way In due clue course of ot time he received the following letter from the owner of the damaged car Dear Sir 1 found your card In my car stating that you ou had damaged tie the right hand front mudguard I urn um only writing to tell teU you that the damage you jou 1 0 have ha done to the mudguard mud has now noty made It the same as the other oilier three thus again balancing the design of ot the car In trice face of this I extend to you ou my apologies for causing you ou any anxiety In the matter Los Los An An- geles Times |