Show AIDS FIRE FIDE fUND fOR MACHINE MACIE Riverside California Jan 7 1 1929 Edi Edlor or The Chronicle Delta Utah Dear Mr Beckwith i Your kind favor of Jan Jan Just recd rec vIed and I t am pleased to enclose a n check chock for which I hope will swill willbe i be of f a little assistance in the splendid splendid did piece of work which you are doIng doIng doing do- do Ing for the people of oC your ity A start must always be made sometime sometime sometime some some- 1 time if it a city or community wishes to get anywhere but after the Idea Is onto established of pulling or er for the betterment of all there is no doubt In my mind that the Delta section will prove Itself as intelligent Intelligent intelli Intelli- gent and competent to care for the community interests as any other place lace in the whole United States I Extend to your our Honorable Mayor my congratulations for his activity and operation co-operation with with you I It Is agreeable with me that flint this fund should be of a sufficient amount am am- I perhaps as you state stute 1000 j jor lor or more before beCore this equipment should sho- sho I Auld uld be purchased or contracted for and I am therefore sending you a checK to be turned over wh when n that sum has been rals raised ed Wishing you a a. Happy New Year and your community success I beg beg to remain Sincerely yours Signed Lester Bamberger |