Show Prosperity Dependent on Co Cooperation of Big Business and Labor By WILLIAM GREEN President A. A F. F of L. L Organized labor is convinced that the present living standards and national prosperity can be continued only through the maintenance of f a 8 high industrial productivity level and a high and still higher mass purchasing pur pur- chasing power The real problem of the new year will be that of financing corn com consumption Not only must the consuming mass of people be encouraged to buy but they must be financed to the point where they can buy freel freely How will the owners of industrial enterprises meet this challenge Will they accept organized labors labor's offer of co operation Will they assist assist as- as in the giving of new force and meaning to collective bargaining so that all concerned may think in terms of industrial peace and of the peaceful s solution lution of industrial problems which affect the relationship of employers and employees i. i Opposition to the American Federation of Labor and its constituent parts through the organization of company unions the use of court injunctions injunctions in- in junctions and the forced denial of the exercise of the right to employees employ es esto to join the labor union of their choice tends to fan fall the flame of industrial indus indus- trial hate Will those employers who have been pursuing such an opposition opposition policy during the past continue to do so in the future |