Show FARM C 9 SCRUB BULL IS CAUSE OF LOSS LOSS' The loss to the farmers through the theus us of scrub rub sires Is enormous here re Is one In Instance tance In 1013 two Dull calves were born on adjoining farms bout both were from good grade cows Ont ant v s from n a pure bred hull buU with n a long lone line of pure bred ancestors the other nit calf was ns from a line ot of scrub sires These Theca moires crew up um on adjoining farms fanus the one oue as It a choice steer teer the theother theother other as n a scrub bull When two years old oil they were bout both sent to the thc stockyard The scrub wel weighed bed noo I pounds and sold at 7 cents It dressed 48 43 per cent and brought The pure pur bred weighed 1 1200 00 pounds pound and sold nt at It dres dressed d 61 per cent oDd and brought OtOO a difference of nf With a 8 breeding cost or of It left eft nn an increased profit of Surely this investment In of OO was well worth while and In Indicates Indicates In- In wh why the scrub bull should hould he banished The above e Is only one In instance or of orthe the value of n a pure bred sire In August 1025 G. G the Ontario Agricultural college at Guelph published hed the record ot of nn an experiment In the feeding ot of six steers three from scrub bulls Thet were fill 11 put on the seine same rations for two winters and one summer The fhe pure showed a profit ot of 1470 1 The scrub tock stock showed a 8 los loss ot of 2270 n a difference of This corresponds with the work dt ne by an Ontario farmer who made 2000 per steer more from those sired hy by a pure purebred purebred bred than those sired by a grade hull hullA A Manitoba l farmer had two grade cows of similar type and breeding one was bred to a pure bred through a bull loaning club The other ther was bred by a scrub bull whIch was wa running at large and got Into the herd Both calves cal were eloped developed as steers steer and had the same chances to put on flesh They were sold In April IDO 1026 the one sired hy by the scrub bull showIng a lo foes of s sr cents whereas the one from the pure bred sire Ire showed a profit ot of 1000 This Is con elusive e evidence e that good breedIng pa pays s |