Show Value of Paved Roads Ro It Is estimated and It Is an underestimate that there are nrc motor vehicles In hr Tal Ing the North Carolina engIneers engIneer's fi fig fig- ures of an annual gasoline savin saving of per ear Car when tJ aver i con concrete ete roads thle he a Ii to total tat tal net economy of tI OUI ou I 11 II e enl time In this state slate alone full for fora a period of five years eus the su SH SHIn In lag would rise to the spit sum of There There- are aIe other II lower operating costs to lie hl hall had ill in we wear r and in III tire III which when contained with the or of nut tar tor fuel make the III fu favor rn of pt paved d roads still more impressive III hi hithE thE of f till the holy hank Bool It were f I w well 1 that those In char of road building In this stale tut on th these se Se Jour hoes nal |