Show WASHABLE FROCKS FOR TOTS GOWNS FOR THE MODERN BRIDE JJ il 1 rj 3 r iHO r ir I it-i. it T I-T t tM t. t J M tx 1 iT e w r Y J 0 r- r ri i j I W I IL it Is time Iliac to lO tart un on tile the sewing home program All sIgns point to a season which will glove gle prominence to hi novelty wash fabrics Accord Accord- lug to the foreword of the mode lUode children are ure goIng to reel rev re el In quaint prints both cotton find and linen and they are going goin to lO be made up In new and un unusual usual ways So It behooves the mother whose ambition It Is to get her little folks folks' sewing done and out ont of the way uy to study up on the style In the juvenile ju realm Tile The attractive dress dres In this picture offers several new suggestions First It em emphasizes the use ofa plain wIth a patterned pat pat- lerned material This tendency Is 11 outstanding In fashioning childrens children's clothes Another Idea emphasized by the model Illustrated Is Its two piece c cst st styling lIng The ensemble ensemble- note Is h being In conspicuously featured in juvenile dress design In the Instance of the frock illustrated printed cotton crepe Is us used d for the plaited skirt and sleeves cs The tunIc or blouse Is of pin In crepe Here Is a practical sag sag- m why stion not make a piece one r dress of the patterned fabric with several slip slip-on tunics of various arnus co col colors I ors Thus little daughter could appear ap pear cn l' l fresh flesh and nea neat t each ench day tJay h by changing the sleeveless piece jacket costumes are prominent among the advance nd new showings of frocks for the tle junior miss A pretty uses linen 3 a pretty tint could as 31 wt-li wt h chosen for n a sleeveless dress Iress has luts a shallow plaited skirt sewed to toH toa H a long blouse A sleeved short of gay n printed linen Is designed to he be worn with willi The ensemble theme Is carried out ou hv by motifs on the dress which which have been cut cUI from fron the printed fabric t t tit 1 1 t p l- l 9 s St St. 6 1 I If A Charming Washable Frock vas inevitably stately and conven conven- It now fairly radiates tim It of youth In that skirts are short and bouffant bodIces are sometimes sleeveless and even the deadly white ot of ye e olden oden times I is giving way to delicate elusive tints Just as III I likely fiS as not the pretty St. St Valentines bride this year ear will choose and tile the mode encourages herin her In so doing fer her wedding robe a georgette frock of pink palest pink or pos pos- It will be la lace e over oyer sll silver er cloth thus is convention and monotony a athing thing of the past Which h all leads to the fact that wedding ns l' lire are about as enchant hl gig visIons of loveliness as one may hope to see Picture It If you will titled semi of them with low necks neds often short sleeved or sleeveless and flounced some of lt them frothily with tulle others with In lace e Yes the rend of the H 1928 wedding gown Is decidedly toward the In- In genue t type pe and that Is why the skIrt of the bridal dress In this picture Is Isse Sl se youthfully and full with a hemline of tulle to add yet another fn fascination That is 18 why also the bodice Is semi fitting accenting the lithe fi figure lIre and why the waistline Is normal nil details whIch define youthfulness Then too this young 1 r IP f tit f x 6 x n Stunning Bridal Costume I J I Another lovely washable fabric des tiled fur for a successful vogue ogue Is print print- td pique broadcloth Is I n a favorite ta material Printed weaves In small flower et ef- feels feets also o In what Is caller called needlepoint needle point prints these th e same b being sag sug of quaint lit sampler designs are prett prettily lIv mu ant lie Ilc liP W t 11 IIIi h monotone jump jump- CIS In fashioning the tins slip and Jumpers which are so S Sst st stylish lIsh for children chil- chil den dren the hemline I is level aped In preference to the straight II bound effect Now that wedding bells are peal peal- III rug a 0 merry tune t the hp I gown n u a subject of If m Like er e lilac Ise I p In this v dJ and th the brides bride's love of If fut Is expressed in myriads of ace Insets In connection tion with the tulle hemline and there Is n a certain girlish simplicity ltv featured n the drAping of her veil reIl drawn HS as It ItIs itis Is so prettily over pr her huh like a snug sn titling tap ap An adorable wedding gown own t recently re- re by a 3 society bride was a de- de vu from tile the unveil l In that It was I of fl white while the skirt nn an ly Iy full uneven hemline extremely short the he knees dipping gra full len length th at the rhe hack hok Tiny pearls traced row after row mw or of 8 seal lops to a con considerable depth about the hemline Tn A or f CV co |