Show Use of AI Alfalfa alfa Hay Hayas as 4 Supplement in Winter The use of a mixture of 50 pounds ot of 23 2 pounds and 25 pounds ot of chopped alfalfa hay as a supplement for yellow corn In wInter rations tins has been advocated for some time Recently trials at South have proved that hIgh quality whole ha tray gives gies almost as good results result II as the chopped hay It If the pIgs cnn can be In dued to consume enough of If the uncut fl feed d These results have hav caused hun bun Lids of Northwest farmers to udo alfalfa as a means menns of Improving tit lilt standard corn age ration Data from the trials at the South kota fh statIon show that pigs fed at a ration of corn and made an era J average e daily gain ot of pound When chopped alfalfa hay and linseed d lIu al were fed with the corn und and tank tank- uge the average dally gain was 1 pounds More significant than tills this however hI Is a saving ot of 16 pounds of r feed ed for each pounds ot of graIn In Intile inthe tile the pIgs fed the ration containing chopped alfalfa hay and the fact that there was a difference ot of 17 11 In favor of the fed pigs In reaching reach rench ing n a weight ot of oo pounds |