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Show 01 PeManal !)atesielt Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Snow and , their small son visited in Delta A during the week with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow. Mrs. Snow is remaining here for a visit, and Paul returned to Salt Lake City where they are building a home. rma Miss Pat Pace and Miss Lorraine Thompson, from the B Y U, spent the weekend in Delta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Pace. Mrs. Melvin Lee from Torrey, is visiting here this week with her mother. Mrs. Mollie Jacobs, and sister, Mrs. Morrell. While here she received word of the arrival of a baby boy to Dick and Nalhalia Lee Wilson, on April 5, in Torrance. This is the first child for Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and the sixteenth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Lee. L. Morrison made a trip to Delta this week, driving up from San Clemente, California, where he and Mrs. Morrison are ttuilding on their property. W. E. Cook from Ely, and I. R Parker, from Ruth, drove to DelUi Saturday night and visited ovei Sunday. Mrs. Frank Colby was taken tc Siilt Lake City Monday, where she will take treatments. Her sons, James and Neil Colby, went with her and they took the airliner for the trip. Beth Peterson, local agent for the Challenger airlines, made the trip to Phoenix and return Tuesday Tues-day by air with with a group o( the company officials, headed by Mr. Snyder, the president. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Law from Caliente, have been visiting in Delta Del-ta with their mother, Mrs. Bessie Law. Bill Kelley was down from Mid-vale Mid-vale over Sunday to transact business busi-ness tyere. Mr. and Mrs. James Kennelly returned re-turned to Delta Friday from San Francisco, where they visited Mrs Kennelly's sisters. They drove thru in a civilian jeep they bought there, and visited in Baker several days' with Don Beck. They will b in Delta for some time packing household goods and visiting friends, fri-ends, and then return to theii home in New York. Later they will spend the summer on their farm in Vermont. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Wright from Salt Lake City visited here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rawlinson and daughter DaAnne, spent the weekend in Delta visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rawlinson. Raw-linson. Mrs. Carlos B. Smith of Salt Lake City, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Harold Colby. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Colby,, Mrs. Smith and their mother, Mrs. Joseph A. Wilson, of Denver, who has been visiting here, drove to Salina. Mrs. Irene Little returned Saturday Satur-day from a visit iri California with her son, Dee Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Stubbert drove over from Ruth, Nevada, this week and visited over the week end. Mrs. L. S. Dorius, from Salt Lake City, came to Delta Tuesday and is visiting here with her duaghter, Mrs. Clayton Stapley. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Melville, and thenr grandson, returned to Salt Lake City last week after spending several weks in Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lamb and Rex Lamb, from Myton, visited in Delta Del-ta during the week with their sister Mrs. Homer Petersen. They were making a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morrill, who have been making their home in San Diego, for the past several years, and their son, George, who recently returned from service overseas and has been discharged from the service, are visiting in Delta this week. Verda Nelson made a trip to Salt Lake City for a few days. |