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Show cial guests Thelma Clark, Maurine Miller, Merdith Searles and Lucille Johnson. The Junior Girls had a candy pull at the home of Mrs. Thelma Clark. Emmagene Greathouse, Gladys Banks, Eldonna Coleman and Donna Nielson were present and enjoyed a dainty luncheon. Mery Johnson will leave Wednesday Wed-nesday for San Diego to see her brother, Glade, who is in training in the Marines. Mrs. Harry McCard-el McCard-el will teach school while she is a-way. a-way. M-S Roy Clark entertained the Pinochle Club Monday night at their home. Those present were M-S Reed Larsen, M-S Curt Johnson, John-son, M-S Eddie Sorenson, M-S Jerry Jer-ry Nielson, and Mrs. Ellis Thompson Thomp-son of Inglewood, California, and Mery Johnson. High score for the ladies was won by Ellis Thompson, and Reed Larsen. won the high for the men. A very delicious luncheon was served. Pvt. Harlan Nielson returned to Camp Roberts, California Sunday. Keith Gunn is spending a few days in Salt Lake City. The Adult Mutual class enter-tined enter-tined Tuesday evening at a Rook party. Many amusing and interesting interest-ing games were played. A light luncheon was served and a large crowd attended. Mr. C. E. Freer is back in town and will remain for a while. LYNNDYL . . . Rachel Simpson M-S Lile Johnson entertained the Rook Club Thursday night with the usual members present, and M-S Reed Nielson as special guests. M-S Clead Nielson won first prize and M-S Reed Nielson low. A lovely luncheon was served. A number of Lynndyl people were conference visitors at Delta Sunday. Miss Ruby Allen entertained at ' a farewell party for Mahala Hep-worth Hep-worth last week. Games were play-1 play-1 ed and a potluck lunch was served to the following girls: Georgia Dut-. Dut-. son, Jeanette and Arlean Overson, . Louise Wiley, Janeane Simpson, , Colleen Nielson, Donna and Shirley Sheriff. A number of nice gifts were given Mahala. M-S Ray Atkins and daughter, Eloise, are spending their vacation in Los Angeles. ' Mrs. Ellis Thompson and sons, Gary and Jimmy, of Inglewood, California arrived in Lynndyl Monday Mon-day to visit with their many frti-ends. frti-ends. I M-S John Dutson received word I their son, Ballard, was the proud . father of a nine pound son. Their ! daughter, Deola Turner had given -.birth to twins on Sunday, March : 25. Mr. Turner is now serving in ; the Navy and is oversaes. i Mrs. John Dutson is leaving on i Wednesday to go to Bluffdale to be with her new grandchildren. I Betty Dutson entertained on her birthday at her home. Games and cards were played and a very nice luncheon was served to the following fol-lowing boys and girls: Kenneth Hayes, Doug Dutson, Connie Johnson, John-son, Roberta Nielson, Marylin Hayes, Velda Sheriff, Mignon Sheriff, Johnnie Whatcott and Va-da Va-da Ivie. A wedding dance was given in honor or Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Nielson, Niel-son, who were married March 19 in Salt Lake City. The Delta orchestra or-chestra played for the dancing and many useful gifts were given to the bride and groom. All join in to wish them long and lasting happiness. hap-piness. M-S Guy Sheriff were Salt Lake visitors this week. Mrs. Tressa Terry joined her daughter-in-law of Los Angeles, Mrs. Farrel Terry, and have gone to Colorado to visit Pvt. Farrel Terry, who was wounded in Germany, Ger-many, i Varley Dutson had as his guest his daughter, Phyllis', new husband, hus-band, Pvt. Jim Sparrow, of Wend-over. Wend-over. Miss Georgie Dutson and Wendell Wend-ell were Salt Lake visitors this week. Miss Jeanette Overson entertain-I entertain-I ed at her home Thursday night. The occasion being her birthday. Games and dancing were enjoyed. A delicious luncheon was served to the following: Eldonna Coleman, Gladys Banks, Janeane, Simpson Arlean Overson, Douglas Robinson, Tilman Johnson, Darold Whatcott, Bill Searle, Kent Nielson, Melvin Dutson and Jay Cooper. Many lovely love-ly gifts were received by the hostess. host-ess. Miss Ua Christensen spent Sunday Sun-day in Oak City with her father, who has been quite ill. Rosalee Banks entertained the Sewing Club Thursday Evening. Ice cream and cake were served to Mery Johnson, Betty Nielson, Billie Nielson, Phyllis Nelson, Neva Harvey, Norene Shipley, Lottie Gronning, Edna Haycock and spe- |