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Show PSSt PrSldeiltS MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Priests Oasis Esigageiiiciit CclehVatCS Higli Haiogefon Tour I Delta. Utah. Thurs.. Mar. 1. 1951 I Mil La Veda Bishop Is Announced 77th Birthday Formed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson an-- ; nounce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn to Jack Manis, son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Man-is- , of Portland, Oregon. The marriage will take place sometime this spring. To Hold Party All High Priests and their wives are requested to be in attendance ai. a" banquet in the new Delta First ward chapel March 8. hTe committee is planning for five hundred and do not want to be disappointed. The banquet will have all the trimmings. A fine entertaining program has been ar-ranged to accompany the good food, square dancing and visiting. Saturday, Feb. 18, eleven 'friends of Mrs. George S. Boyack her home in Salt called on her at Lake City in honor of her seventy-- , seventh birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L S Dorius, Mr. and Mrs. George Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riding, Mrs. Amelia Brasher, Mrs. Nellie Workman, Mrs. Laura Robison, Mrs Mary Reeve and Mrs. Lulu All- - red Mr. and Mrs. Clark Allred cal-led earlier in the day on their way to Millard county. Made Tuesday On West Range Millard County Weed Committee sponsored a tour Tuesday of the western ranges to observe haloget-ton- , the new weed appearing there and to observe its growth habits. Forty men made the trip, in-cluding C. Wayne Cook, president of the Utah Section of the Amer-ican Society of Range Manage ment, from the USAC, Ben' Mark-ha-from the Bureau of Land Management, Pratt Allred, district supervisor, district 3 and 10, BLM, Lowell Wood, supervisor of Fish Lake National Forest, Ken Bowers, Forest Rangers, the weed comittee county commissioners, Golden H. Black, and LaVar Owens, county agents, Rodney G. Richenbach and Lee Rogers, and livestock men and farmers. The first stop was 15 miles west of Hinckley on Highway 6, where halogeton was flourishing in strips on each side of the road for a quarter of a mile. It was plainly seen that it had filled in along the areas where the snow plow had made trails during the storms of two winters ago. Shad-scal- e was alongside. Halogeton, it was pointed out, grows where ground is . abused, either by g or on the trails. It. is a cousin of the Rus-sian thistle and smother weed. It is a slow and late spring grow-er, and an an early spring growth can' choke it out. Although pois-onous to cattle and sheep, it is not proved that the weed has caused any losses as yet to stock on the range. It has been at Cowboy Pass since 1944, and in the state since 1935. Prof. Cook told the group, "We must necessarily learn to live with it, using sound range practices and management. If we will ad-here to a few simple management rules there is no reason to believe that the livestock industry will be materially affected by halogeton infection." Mr. and Mrs. Glen Skeem and daughter, Evelyn, spent Saturday in Provo. Elder Glen Gardner was speak-er in sacrament meeting Sunday. Mrs. Norma Hannifin and daugh-ter, Cherie, gave a vocal solo and an instrumental number. There were ten of the officers and teachers of the Sunday school that attended the two-stak- e con-vent in Fillmore last Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Roundy and family went to Salt Lake City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Williams have moved from Tooele into the Williams home and will be resi-dents of Oasis. Leland will oper-ate the farm this summer. Tuesday evening Miss Ora Mae Bishop and Elder Richard May were speakers at Mutual and told of their missionary experiences. Parley By Auxiliary 89 A Past President r was or ganized in the Au lf leg. ion Post 89 in a me Thurs' day, Feb. 22, at tr ;..,e or Mr," Clara Killpack. Mrs. Edna Wo man was chairman of the meet, ing. Fourteen past presidents were present. They are Clara Killpack Edna Workman, Angie Cahoon, La Verne Theobald, Zola Bunker, Ver. na Walch, Ardella Riding, Barbara Spendlove, Marie Moody, Biah Sjostrom, Liz Pace, Belva Morris Mrs. Claud Sanders and Ora Gard ner. Officers elected for the new o-rganization were Liz Pace, pres-ident, Ardella Riding, secretary and treasurer, and Zola Bunker, hi-storian and reporter. The project adopted by the group is to form a west Millard blood bank, with a call for blood donors ( to build up the bank and also give blood to the veterans' hos- - pital. Any persons who wish to give blood may call Mrs. Liz Pace, LaVerna Theobald, or Angie Ca-hoon, to make arrangements. A coming event is planned for April with a party for members of the Auxiliary to celebrate their 23rd birthday since their organiz. ation in 1928. Sugarville MIA Sponsors Dance Sugarville ward MIA is sponsor-ing a dance for Friday, March 9, and everyone is invited to attend. There will be a program at 8:30 p. m., followed by dancing. Cakes and candies will be auctioned off during the evening.. Deseret LUCILLE SAMPSON Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Zundell of Ogden are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Verlen Willden from Gunnison, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Larsen from Spanish Fork spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Eliason. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western and Mrs. Melba Jacobsen spent a day last week in Provo, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Western. Grant Western from Tooele spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Western. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rowley went to Heber City to attend funeral services for Mrs. Rowley's grand-father, John Thatcher. Mr. O. L. Dutson left Wednesday for Colton, Cal., to attend to his bees. Mrs. Inez Curtis is spending a few days in Salt Lake iCty. Miss Eleanor Jackson, from Eur-eka, spent the week end in Delta, a guest of Miss Darlene Mc The girls first met at Girls' State last year. A Fireside Chat was held Sunday evening at the Hamilton Me Cul-lou-home, with forty people pre-sent. Acel Manwaring, of Vernal, who is in Delta working on the new stake .house and Delta Third ward building, was the speaker. Music Concert Conies Mar. Ii On Monday night, March 19, the extension division of the U. of U. will present a musical program in the Delta high school. They will send the mixed chorus, forty men and women, for the concert. There will be a small admission charge made, possibly 50 cents, to take care of the travel and lodging expense of the group. Adult Education Class In Delta , Another class in applied arts, under the adult education program sponsored in the county will open in Delta on Thursday at 7 p. m. The class will be held for 12 weeks with meetings each Thursday, at 7 p. m., in the Delta high school. Mrs. Beth M. Anderson will be the instructor. Leslie Jeanne Welton celebrat-ed her 7th birthday Saturday. Gu-ests were Sidney Davis, Gary Tol- - bert, Gayle Bunker, Stephen All-re- d ,Dana Kay Ogden, Connie Bak-er, Carol Jeffery, Jill Turner, Zola Wind, Loretta Branson, Bonnie Will den. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ririe, James Ririe, Mrs. Josie Freeman and Geo. Lovell, al from Ririe, Idaho, visit-ed Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stephenson FOR BETTER RESULTS i I'ridav. ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLE FOR SALE: Three - bottom John Deere Tractor Plow. John Kozina, Woodrow. FOR SALE: farm, one mile east of Hinckley; 11 acres in al-falfa; the rest was in grain last year. modern home, very good. 40 Shares of Deseret Irriga-tion Co. water stock. Garage, co-rrals and grainery. $12,000. See Mrs, Marion Manis, Hinckley. THE CHRONICLE for home town news. THE CHRONICLE for those away Srom home who want the news. j .? THE CHRONICLE for advertisers who want the home town to know where to buy. THE CHRONICLE for printing o all kinds. Come and See Us MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE INVITATION - FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILY 8 FRIEND OUR PROGRAM MOVIES IN COLOR "Havens of Peace" This Film is a Picturesque Tour of Several Small Nations of Europe that have Enjoyed a Long History of Peace. "The Soil Is Good" An Educational Farm Picture. "Castle Cows 8 Contentment" ArSh.?rt EurPean Traveloque showing Nations noted for then and Cows and are Content to carry on their Trad- itions of Long Standing. Propane 8 Butane As A Tractor Fue-l- A Discussion Covering This by the Following Representa- - Minneapolis - Moline Co. of Salt Lake City Southern Utah Gas Co. of Richfield Ensign Carburetor Co. of Los Angeles. OaL ODD FELLOWS LODGE HALL - Delta, Ut. Eight O'clock P. M. Friday, March 9th SPONSORED BY RALPH W. MORRISON and SONS MSM DEALER SOUTHERN UTAH GAS CO. BYRON OLSON, Manager Ilussell Hunker Is Home Again Russell Bunker returned to Delta last Friday after being in a Salt Lake hospital since Feb. 6 for treat ment for a compound fracture of his left leg. His leg was broken and his ankle dislocated when the horse he was riding reared up and fell over backward on him. Russell is getting along well, although there is some infection in the leg yet that calls for daily treatments. Community Service Sunday Rev. Welch will conduct serv--. ices Sunday in the Community Church in Delta. Everyone will be welcomed. Sunday school will pre-cede the services, opening at 10:30 a. m. Gilbert Sorenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sorenson, was sworn in to the U. S. Air Force, Feb. 17, and left Salt Lake City for Lackland AFB Feb. 18, where he is taking his basic training. Bob Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cavin H. Jones, is now on his way to San Antonio, Texas, for basic training at Lackland Air Force Base. He enlisted In the U. S. Air Force, Monday in Salt Lake City, and left there Tuesday. A new daughter was born Feb. 14 to David and Marjorie Holman Boshard, in Salt Lake City. She is their 4th child, and the family is now two boys and two girls. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holman of Delta are the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stewart and small son, David, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart the past week. Mr. Walter Ekins and his father, Mr. Adam Ekins, journeyed to Salt Lake City Tuesday on business. Fernard Blake is now at home visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Arvilla Swensen entertain-ed the Rook Club at her home last week. Special guests included Er-m- a Cropper, Evelyn Morris, Phyllis Bennett, Ivy Allred, Winnie Wright, Joy Hurst and Reva Talbot. First prize went to May Cropper, and second prize to Vi Robinson. Krma Cropper took home both the guest prize and the traveling prize. Joy Hurst was awarded the consol-ation prize. Hinckley IVews MARILYN PALMER Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lee spent a few days of last week here visit-ing with friends and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Talbot. Dale Love, who has been living in Tooele is now here. Ross Hilton was a visitor in town this past week. Heber Bishop is now at his home and is well on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George Puckett vis-ited with friends in M't. Pleasant last week. Amelia Jane Cahoon, who is at-tending the BYU spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whicker and family went to Salt Lake last Sat-urday to attend a funeral of an aunt of Mr. Whicker. Billy Davis who has been work-ing in Arizona is now visiting with his family and friends here. I ast Friday Clifton Wheeten went to Salt Lake City on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson, accom-panied by Irene, Jay and Leon went to Spanish Fork Tuesday ev-ening to attend a ward reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Workman and family went to St. George to visit their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones. Sunday evening the faculty of the Elementary school presented the program in church. This con-sisted of a talk by Annette Sand-storm on the "Objectives o'D a Teacher"; a vocal solo, "In the Heart of the Hills", by Talmage Christensen; an excerpt of "The Life of Helen Keller" was given by Cleone Tolbert; a reading, The Weaver, by Phyllis Bennett; Melba Jacobsen sang, "I'm a Pilgrim", and Ward Spendlove gave a talk on Brotherhood week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellis are spend-ing this week at San Diego, Cal., visiting their son, LaVar Ellis, and family. LaVar, navy yeoman, is on the USS Boxer. Mrs. August Lar-son, who has been visiting at Las Vegas, joined Mr. and Mrs. Ellis as they drove through, and went on to San Diego with them, where she will remain with Mrs. LaVar Ellis and small daughter while La Var is away with the Boxer. Stake Event Calendar Mar. 2 Basketball, Parowan at Delta. Mar. 4 Scout Court of Honor, at Leamington Mar. 9 and 10 Region playoffs at Delta. Mar. 11 Stake MIA board meet-ing, 3 p. m., Delta. Mar. 14 to 17 High school bas-ketball tournament, Salt Lake City. Chatter Box Dear Suzy, They barred me from the office last week and are trying to this week. But I foiled them, and sent this in disguised as a legal. As I am paying straight ten cents a line I'll save some fascinating bits for a later date. Yours for econ-omy, Toots. Hugh Twitchell returned to Delta Monday from Lyman, Wyo., where he had been for the funeral ser-vices on Sunday for his oldest bro-ther, Willis Twitchell, Sr., 90 years old. |