Show LEAGUE PRESENTS FIVE NEW BILLS The Social Welfare League with which a a. a number of ot the faculty members members members mem mem- bers ar are associated presented five bills to the legislation during its last session One bill for the appointment appointment ap ap- of ot a a. board boar of ot trustees by bythe bythe bythe the Board of Education A second bUlI bill bUl provides for the appointment of ot a I Juvenile Court Commission by the State Board of ot Education A third bill provides for the establishment of special schools for delinquent children of ot exceptional citizens The other two bills bUls provide that married wom women n under eighteen en sh shall II come om under tinder the jurisdiction n of the Juvenile nile Court Two cf of Q these bills bUls have been accepted accepted ac ac- ac In a modified form Corm and the others are being held In abeyance the investigation n of ot the Social Welfare Commission which Is provided provided pro pro- vided for by legislation and appo appointed by the governor govern r A report of f conditions conditions condi ondi- found Is to be given December 1 1922 |