Show I i l. l Pampering an and Petting e es I s HE lIE CHRONICLE has heard within the last few T 1 days of numerous cases of the ineligibility r of I. I ca candidates did tes for or the football team and nd al also o the lack of the required units of work for pledging to fra Ira fraternities t and sororities held by students who are being be rushed by these organizations If all r re re- re ports are correct t it a would seem that President t i Thomas Thomas' has ample evidence of the need of his policy of raising the scholastic standing of the school in this one thin thing alone t r Many any students who have made a name for themselves them them- I selves elves on the athletic field during their high school k career come to the University with the satisfied t feeling n that t though thong the they ma may r fail to do justice to then their studies the credits will somehow be placed it t Rafter after it r their names on tho the University records They rhey I I Seel feel that they perform services without which the ther q r school cannot properly go on The has i heard of one ca case e in which a promising high school a athlete entered the tIle University at the beginning of tt the n spring ring quarter l last st y year ar and after attending 1 this classes for the full quarter had the total of one credit chalked up to him We e are arc led led- to conjecture that this II credit must have come from the physical education I department for athletic work done last spring Many have come to the realization on finding this If f fall that the they ere minus those credits credit which they thought would be present that the primary purs pur's purpose pur pur- I s 's pose pORe of the University is to teach the arts and 1 sciences and n l not activities The Tho does not n mean an ton in i any way war belittle of activities for 1 we think the individual du l narrow lacking in loyalty I ir L and even niggardly who having haying the Hie opportunity 1 q does qS S not enga engage e in activity work Th That t individual dual a- a is is' P passing ing up aP the chance to become areal a r real a college ic g gI e student But the activity man must first of all allI I realize that th the prerequisite for fob athletics debating I dramatics s and other activities is a pass passing ng grade in inthe f I i the required amount of school work lIt 1 U u H rl Tins Plies condition sa so far as it relates to frater i 1 sties Hies and sororities was lar largely ely alleviated last year yearby car carr r by Eby y the thc rule ule prohibiting pledging The campus campus gives gives' too much attention to Greek letter organization life The organization member reali realizes realizes real real- i izes that his university comes cones first m and d is more mOle willing will will- ill I ing r than the non member to l keep his organization n 1 from mixing in student affairs and from bein being a at t topic of of general student comment The called so-called imaginary and real fraternity r troubles would I n h r solve themselves if so much attention was I not directed toward them i 1 The stud student body of this institution as well as other student bodies can b be thankful that the time 1 leas has come cone when intercollegiate competition requires the upholding of certain standards in scholastic I I work vork The next move which would be in line with I President Thomas' Thomas new policy should be he the enforcing enforcing en en- forcing of scholastic standards as ns prerequisite for forthe forr I I r f the participation in student activity We r e are arc glad i that the University S Sit of Utah is in a position where it does not need to pet and pamper promising ac- ac I tilty students At this institution let the reward rightfully come after affer the performance performa and not before hei bej be he- j i fore iOle on the promise of such performance The administration and older students of the school are in a way partly responsible for the tho attitude attitude at at- that man many prominent freshman as as- sume slime Too much attention is lavished upon them These youngsters begin to feel their importance I and from then on they fail to recognize the serious I If aspect of college life It might be well for such 11 individuals if a return was made to tOl the the good old i II i hazing days I |