Show Thomas Makes Plain Stand on Scholarship The announcement that serious consideration consideration con con- is being given the proposal to exclude automobiles from the UnIversity University University Uni UnI- campus was made at the assembly as- as held beld Friday by President George Thomas in his address to the student body President Thomas also dwelt at some length In telling and explaining the policy the administration tion of ot the school has adopted in the matter of raising the scholastic standards standards standards stan stan- dards at the University He made It plain to the students that failure to pass in two thirds of the work for which the student Is registered would bring about his dismissal from the in In- President Junior E. E Rich of the A. A S. S U. U U. U also spoke of ot the forming of a proper student body and democratic democratic democratic demo demo- cratic spirit on the campus Coach T. T i it M Fitzpatrick k appealed to the students to support the athletic teams In their games with other schools The University band furnished the music I for tho assembly |