Show ni is Matinee Vance Dance o of Season Is Huge Success HE first matinee dance danca of ot the I season was given last Friday Frida aft- aft noon noon from 4 to 6 In the University by members of the student ody dr dy In bonor honor of or the tho freshman class a ive Va girls from each of ot the tho four asses assisted the student student body body of- of which Include Junior Rich present present pres- pres lent ent 1 Louise ulse vice president nt fenna enna Cragun secretary and Joseph orthen treasurer In receiving the deco deco- eats ests The gymnasium was ted with Utah pennants and palms nd d punch was served by several all all girls About eight t hundred fiesta ests were present F I A. A X TO GIVE BANQUET I I Alpha Chi will entertain at a formal I In the supper room of the otel Utah next Thursday ev evening ning I arrange arrange- tie e committee in charge of arrange arrange- ants Includes Miss Louise iss Las Thelma Dahlen Miss Lyda Roser Roser Roster Ros Ros- I ter er and Miss Lois Cannon LAMBDAS GIVE DANCE t Lambda Phi Lambda entertained at delightful last Friday eve- eve g at the McCune home on North Jain In street in honor of or their lit it t tails autumn leaves and roses out the sorority colors of seal own gold and red were used in orating the ball ballroom oom During Inter- Inter salon a flower lower dance was given b by Iss SS Gladys Allison and Miss 1 Virginia lison A light supper was served nd d cors corsage ge bouquets of roses were yen ven to the guests The committee charge o of arrangements Included as ss Lucile Luelle Margetts and Miss Judith Us Is ls NOVEL PARTY IS GIVEN unique party of the end weekend was was c Mother Goose party given last iday evening by PI Epsilon Phi at ate e home of ot Miss H Helen len Ingham on tine aine Ine avenue The rooms were deco- deco 1 ed ted to give the atmosphere of stor story ok land laud and each guest was cosed cos cos- ed to represent some character faus fa fa- us jus In Mother G Goose ose rhymes Games Games numbers by Miss Caire Gos Cos- d id and Miss Mary Anne Jones and dings by Mrs H H. Leo Marshall were evening A buffet jo joyed d during the 0 favors and favors were per per w was wa's s served en The committee in charge of included Miss Helen ham and Miss Mattie Hattie le Williams DELTAS ENTERTAIN members of r the Delta 5 ita Ep Ep- jn n sorority entertained S Saturday at an Orpheum urn p party ity fol fol- ed by tea at the Hotel Horel Utah fOl 1 In Inor inor or of the active m members and their hees A crystal basl basket et filled with and pink link asters formed the die of ot the tea table and a a. bouquet of the same is is at each place The place cards le e hand painted In harmony with the theor lor tor or scheme of the tea table The miU in charge of arrangements ot eluded Miss Louise Wells and Mrs arren Stratton two Forty guests re present S I T BUST IS PLANNED tU U U will hold a watermelon st t this evening in In the Ue women's t room of the John R. R Park build- build I g. g following the first regular meet- meet of the club SENIORS WILL MEETA MEET A meeting of the senior sentor c class ass will will held tomorrow at 1230 12 30 In the as as- bly hall for the purpose of nomi nomi- Ing and electing class officers r. r DINNER DANCE PLANNED t- t tamma Hamma amma Sigma will entertain tarrow to- to evening at a pr progressive I Iner ner iner dance The committee In rge irge of arrangements include Miss i farl arl Kimball Miss Lois Farrell and ands s J Ridges TEA WILL BE GIVEN elta eUa Epsilon will entertain at a aa aa ala la a at the Wandamere club on Sev- Sev th East street this afternoon In m nor nor of their The committee charge of arrangements includes IBS ss ss Josephine Miss May by and Miss Helen Woodruff GAMMAS TO ENTERTAIN Jamma amma Phi will entertain at a in the supper room of ot the tel Utah tomorrow ring In honor Miss Ruth Cecil Miss deleine McClellan and Miss Ella Eila Ellams ms ims will wUi have charge BANQUET IS PLANNED l i Epsilon Phi will wUl entertain tamps to to- arrow evening at a n. banquet in the i room of the Hotel Utah The Jn In of ot arrangements lodes eludes Mies MIs Mary Anne Jones Miss rum Alvord and Miss Ethel Mans- Mans 1 |