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Show 19HRL? B J 3v-a HHHtfreL HI M "SiSP ni1j3HB( ngiiHi H.'MKufllrnr I KtxvVf !bbvAvb7bV7 1 VrV . I JIImjW'UIbbmHS w fiBBBfl l k IT3r Tse2lD3 ' T f J Baif il ' Tell thH'oM ffl H go ahead (311 H You might as well have the use BBM S! ftf b.uilKng you arc phnning-there is nothing m tobe gained by wamng. There is no prospect ol M pnees going down for some time after the war is BBB over. Go ahead and let your contracts. M When it comes to the roof you can make a real BH caving, and get a better roof by specifying H Certain-teed B Roofing sBBrJ CERTAIN-TEED is not cheaper because the quality is lower, H but because it is a less expensive roofing to manufacture. It is M better, not only because it is cheaper, but also because it is light J weight, weathcr-ticht, clean, sanitary, firc-rctardant and costs BBBs practically nothing to maintain. jB It is now rccocnizcd as the preferable type of roofing for office BBJ bui dines, factories, hotels, stores, warehouses, earaCcs, farra B buildings etc., where durability is necessary. BBJ CERTAIN-TEED is guaranteed for 5, 10 or IS years, accord. BBJ ing to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply). BBK rSniM?-n0llTr00fini:S 0n marke. but only one W Ci-IU AIN-ThED. It pays to get the best. It costs no more BBH to lay a CERTAIN-TEED roof than it does to lay a poor BBJ roof, but there is a vast difference in the wear. You can't tell Br the quality of a roofing by looks or feel. Your only safety is the BK label. Be sure that it is CERTAIN-TEED then you arc BBj certain of quality and guaranteed satisfaction. BBf Certain-teed Slate-Surfaced Asphalt Shingles BBJ are supplanting wood and iltte clfmgles for residence. They cost less, ne Just as good looking, wear Utter, won't fall off, buckle or split. They BW are fire-rctodint, lai do not lave to be painted or ctained. B Certain-teed Paints and Varnishes !BBY gff. nft Ui ;'1" Lvi' pi'.ity paint materials, f-ei BBS fU lff?& Cfound and mixed with mechanicalac TOagpil BBV JgLsflKSJ curacy. Made fur all uses and in all rtalffssrsgl ilH nV (5J E colon- With paint, as with roofing, PQjBSgnigj Wfj the name CLVTAIN-TEED is a iWMfl Qjj? E-jann'.ee cf quality and satisfaction i5S5pUM CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION New York, Chlcnuo.riilluJ'jlDnlii.ut. LcuK lion ton, Cleveland. Pittsburgh. Detroit. Buffalo, Han Franclwn, Mllwnuriy. Cincinnati, Nuw Orleans, Los Augclcs. Ulnncanoll., Kaunas Cltr.dattlt. Imllauapolls, Atlanta, Klchmond.Orand Kanlds, XasnvlUc, Halt LuLo City. Vvx Moluca, Uoustou, DuluUi, Loudon, Sydney, Uavaaa. H Certain-teed Roofing For Sale by I Anderson & Sons, Ltd. B LOGAN, UTAH BBakBB ; breakfast m a laisrry! I I and hot biscuits too you can save twenty minutes time every morning with , jjH the remarkable jH VORTEX Hi -oven Range fl u Simply open the draft and No anxious waiting for LbbI j presto the oven is hot, the stove to heat up. No fires to "bbI kettle is boiling and breakfast build. J H ' Remarkable fuel economy l '. Cook breakfast with last with VORTEX Down Draft HH night's fire. Combination. H ! come m N. A. Larson Hardware Co. . yn H and see tho bc delighted BBJ Vortex with its BBJ 22 W. Center Logan, Utah ppearanco M $ 1917-ia BBB 'i$r0W lirl 1 1 b! Clll-Curcl "viJ ' 'NiM bV BB initigoi.uo 'vvrrA P l''i bbI r-i ' l l " !i ill Cheers, shouts ' tS and screams of delight" li " ihi, greet liev when she sings L ilit . ... . I ' l Bfl ill,, Muiir lovir,? A-r.-rica is nlmojt riotous in it cnth'uiasm II1! vl IBB ij'L for Ami.''.. a ( ..tli-Giuo. You Imva only to hear her latent Ijl Bfl ill, I Victor Rcco(c) to uivl-r'tanci tl'C reason for tier vorlrful IJI't'l iBJ I'll1 popular.i'1. J'tat ttop in our stce nnd nsk to iicnr Meyer- uf IVJ li'' beer's fu .ious "Si a lo'v Son? ' from the oper Dinorah." II L jj &BJ i'lj It is n mi tier'" ' pictuio in music" of agiil dancing in the I ,! -BJ lt ' inoonliv.il uit her c wn siiaclcw. 'I' 11 ',"1 Vtr. tWS.JU,id,7j'.' Tw.lvo-i K.i. II 50 li'fj SI I France and the United States U 1 "allied" on a new Victor Record j H On one aide of tliia double-faced record Edward Hamilton III . BJ I aings tlic exultunt strains of "The Marseillaise," while on the li B I other side Elizabetli Spencer interprets "The Star Spangled I i I B I I i Banner" in all its breadth and dignity. An inspiring record I i BJ llljl to have, this, us a symbol of our union with France, and as a I Bfl I I source of musical plcastiro as well. II lBj Li Victor ilouLU-Ucnl Record. IB338. Trn-inch, 7)a II ! jilljl These are among the 74 'jlj! BBJ New Victor Records for September j H flJU TsfVSPf! fy jaBn a a bVsBbI |