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Show JLM0I AND SUPPLY BUREAU SERVICE ' Ten threshing hands wanted, $3.00 per day and board. Twenty men wanted on road and trench work, 30 to 40 cents per hour, i Several girls arc called for domestic domes-tic work. We have a number of young ladles wanting employment In stores or offices. of-fices. I Two Durham, eight Holsteln, ton Jersey and two common cows for sale. We can furnish a few boys and men for beet topping. Some prefer work uy the day and others are prepared to contract for tho work. Tho bureau Is frequently asked If it has a market for green tomatoes It appears that growers have on hand a surplus of green fruit that threatens not to ripen on account of prematuro frosts and cloudy fall weather. Tho only logical way most people see to disjose of such fruit Is to pickle It for winter use. However, there Is another way of preserving It, which Is attended with good results If only painstaking caro Is observed In storage. stor-age. This Idea Is to ripen tho tomato to-mato by artlflcal means. Dcfore frost Injures the green fruit, It should be gathered In baskets, bas-kets, care being taken not to bruise, no matter how slightly. Only tho fi) fruit that has reached normal size should bo used. The tomatoes should bo gatheredTTrr tranches-as -much ns possible with about six Inches or more of tho stems left on each bunch. The stems should be stripped of their loaves, and tho fruit stored away in a dark cellar which admits of good Tentllation. To attain best success, tho tomatoes should bo tied In bunches and suspended from tho celling cell-ing so that free air circulation Is possible. If caro is taken In this regard, the fruit will keep a number of weeks. Whenever It Is required for uso, tako as much as Is needed and place It near a window, preferably ono with a southern exposure, where tho rays of tho sun are warm. It will bo found that tho fruit reddens and ripens In a fow days. Though tho flavor Is not so good as that found In fruit matured on tho vines, yet, as a substitute, It is second to none. |