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Show Survivor of Submarine Attack Enlists in Navy a- at IT. S. S. Recruit i Herman L. Duprco, twenty years of age, from Birmingham, Ala., 0 IQ walked aboard the U. S. S. Recruit in Union Square at 6 o'clock Tuesday Tues-day afternoon and said ho wanted to enlist In the United States navy. While ho was being examined by Surgeon J. J. Kavaney ho casually remarked that he had tho experience of submarine gun flro during the past Bummer. Duprco had shipped from Fortland, Melno, last June on tho Norwegian tanker, "Kongsll,'1 bound for Rotterdam, On tho return trip In tho third week of August, out four days, from the coast of Rotterdam Rotter-dam at 5:30 In tho morning threo Bhots were sent across the bow of tho tanker. Dupreo said: "I was on watch on tho hurricane deck. The weather was clear and calm. No warning was given except ex-cept the threo shots. Twenty more wcro fired and In ten minutes we wero sunk. The crew of 28 took to tho threo boats and Immediately tho submarine arose and came within fifty yards of us. This was tho conversation con-versation tho captain of tho submarine subma-rine had with our skipper. It was all In English with no trnco of Gorman Gor-man accent: " 'How long havo you had this ship?' said tho snbmarlno captain. " 'A year and a half answered our skipper. " 'Where was she built?' ho asked. " 'Haltiinore,' was tho reply. " 'What kind of a crow havo you?' " "Mixed Danish, Swedes and Norwegians.' " 'Any Americans?' " 'None.' " According to Duprco, tho captain of tho tanker usked for a tow, and ho was told that an English cruiser would bo along In tho morning. Tho next day tho cruiser camo along, but paid no attention to tho men, It being a rulo of tho British admiralty not to pick up Ufo boats. Aftor floundering flound-ering In tho rough sea with no rations ra-tions but a few biscuits and very little water tho men finally landed at St. Nazarcs, Franco. Duprco has been threo years at sea, having shipped from Norfolk, Vo. Ho was educated In tho public schools at Birmingham. IIo was sent to tho training station at Newport. s- |