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Show RECEPTION GIVE COUPLE AT LbWISTON Lewlston, Sept. 24. An Interesting Interest-ing function of tho week was tho wedding reception, Wednesday evening, even-ing, given by President and Mrs. B. A. Hendricks in honor of tho imirringo ot their daughter, Odessa, to Robert Bonian, which was solemnized solemn-ized In tho Logan tomplo Wednesday. Tho rooms wero tastofully decorated with autumn flowers, colors pink, whlto and lavender, predominating. Tho centerpleco for tho dining tabic was a largo cut glass bowl of sweet poao mid asters. Crystal candallbra With wax oatidlrts occupied tho table. Tho cloth WtlM draped with lavondr tullo and pink ribbon. Tho brldo I wore a beautiful pearl grey Gcorgetto icrepo over old roso taffeta, nnd car-rled car-rled a bouquet of pink roses. Pros, and Mrs. II. A. Hendricks wero assisted as-sisted In receiving tho guests by Prof, and Mrs. Georgo II. Hendricks of Logan and Judge and Mrs. Charlca Hart of Salt Lako. Mrs. Halph Bcrnhlsel, Mrs. Wlllard Ashton of Salt Lako and Miss Mary Pond presided pre-sided in tho dining room. An elaborate elab-orate banquet was served to tho guests. Among tho beautiful presents pres-ents recolved by tho brldo and groom was a handsome Bauer piano, a gift from Pros, and Mrs. B, A. Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Boman havo a host of friends who wish thorn hearty congratulations. con-gratulations. Sunday morning, the llttlo child of Mrs. Zelma Smith Wiser was taken to Logan to tho Utah-Idaho hospital. The child Is critically 111 with chol-era-infrllum. Born to Mr. and Mrs. David Keefp, a flno baby girl, Wednesday morning. Tho Boy Scouts enjoyed a melon bust Tuesday ovenlng. Tho Clovor Loaf swarm of Beehlvo girls were entertained by Boo-koepor Mrs. Helvia Van Orden and Miss Sadlo Bernhtscl, Friday ovenlng. Tho girls were taken to tho plcturo show, after which a dance and supper was enjoyed at tho Alanuga. Thoso proj-ent proj-ent wero Misses Lonora Smith, Wanda Thompson, Colla Anderson, Valeria Lcavltt, Valeria Taggart nnd Blanch Taggart. Mr. Earl Waddoups, of tho Marino corps at California, Is on a month's furlough visiting friends nnd relatives rela-tives at Lowlston. Mrs. Cora Dolaph of Smlthfleld spent Saturday and Sunday at Lowlston. Low-lston. Miss Ethel Ilecdcr of Wellsville spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Albert Burgeson. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Choato and Mr. and Mrs. George Vlllett motored to Brlgham and spent Peach day with tho crowd. Mr. Joseph Vlllett, of the. O. L. & I., spent Saturday with his brother, Mr. Georgo Vlllett. Mrs. Jnney Smith returned homo Thursday from Falrvlew, whero sho has been nursing her daughter, Mrs. Ivy Bodily. Mrs. Ituth Allen of Park, Idaho, Is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Blair. Mrs. Orella Jensen and children of Devil Slide, Utah, is visiting with friends and relathes for a couplo ot weeks. Dr. Milo Wheeler has moved his family to Preston, whero ho will continue con-tinue his practice Mr. John Wiser has a boy recovering recover-ing from scarlet fovor. It has beon reported that two nro three other families havo tho disease. Every precaution should bo taken by th3 pcoplo to limit tho spread of this disease. Tho Hyrum orchestra played for the dance at the opera house, Saturday Satur-day ovenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elwood wore In Lowlston on business, Friday evening. ev-ening. Mr. Squire Choato and daughtor, Grace wero Brlgham City visitors, Wednesday. Miss Lydia Hansen of Tremonton Is guest of Miss Sarah Hyor. Mr. and Mrs. ltussoll Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blair spent Sunday Sun-day ut Brlgham. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Rawlins, and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Van Orden B'nintimti'i "'J' vtv"s sepnt Saturday ovonlng at Logan. M Mr. and Mrs. Will Leavltt, Mr. and i Mrs. Ed Leavltt, Mr. Lacell Leavltt H and Mr. Clawson Lowts motored to ftl Ogdou Sunday to visit with Mr. Earl nfl Leavltt ot Troop H. Whllo there, l thoy attended tho banquet given In II honor ot Troop II and Troop C. Mr. IJ Clawson Lowls and Lacell Leavltt WM will attend tho academy during tho M coming year. M Mr. Darrol Kent of Ft. Dougla3 jH spent Saturday at Lowlston, H Mrs. T. H. Bali' of Ogdcn is visit- H Ing with friends at Lewlston. M |