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Show HHl 3 3$ S5 S -$ 3 $? t $$ S s .$ s H I UTAH WEEKLY IN- H DUSTRIAL REVIEW HH 4 $ 4 S 3 S3 S$ $ S SS 3 $$ H' Sept. 21. Salt Lako City Utah HJ Tower & Light company has been HJ carrying one oxtenslvx) work build- HH lng up Us steam heating system, ro- HH constructing two plants, Installing HJ about 5300 feet of mains and about HHl 1000 feet of service An averago of HH 75 men havo been employed slnco HHj Juno 1, and work wlll-bo completed HH about October 1. HH Provo Work In progress on re- HH construction of about 2 1-2 miles of HH Olmsted Flume. About 400 men will HH bo employed on this work until De- HJ comber 1. HH Tark City total August production H Is 233 cars, 10,217 tons. HH Ogden Street pavement Is almost HH doubled here. HH Salt Lake Irrigation tracts In HH Washington county will bo Increased 2B by more than 15,000 acres. H$jk Salt Lake At cost of $157,000 tho ?HJ Lincoln Highway .association plans tjU to construct road over the Orcat Salt HH Lako desert to connect with road HH leading Into Nevada near tho baso of HH tho Deep Creek mountains. Work HI to begin soon. HJ Ogden O. L. & L Jmnrovo service HJ between here and Huntsvllle. HJ Ogden University club to open HJ now building. HJ Mechanics who go to a city wher- H tho government is straining every HJ nervo to build ships to carry our sol- H dlers and provisions across tho At- &HJ lantlc, and work in tho shipbuilding H industry will not only earn big wages H but perform as patriotic a scrvlco as H though enlisting in the army or navy. HJ Tho samo can bo said about mines Hi and railroads. J Moroni Now plant of tho Peo- Hl pie's Sugar company near hero near- HJ lng completion. B Provo will havo a new fruit pack- H lng plant to cost $60,000 to 175.- ooo. H American Fork Tho Orom rall- HJ road will bo extended to Payson and HJ Eureka. H American Fork New garago to bo H built hore, to cost 13500. H Delta's new $9000 theatro to opon HJ soon. Moab Improvement In Thompson-Blandlng Thompson-Blandlng road to start soon at cost of $174,000. Amalgamated Sugar company plants open Sept. 25 to Oct. 1. Salt Lake Street car company asks to withdraw sale of 50-tlcket books for $2.00 and bo allowed ons cent for transfers. Street car companies com-panies all over the country are asking ask-ing for and receiving Increased fares to meet Increased cost of materials. Ogden Work to commence on paving canyon road boulevard. Within flvo days after tho declaration declar-ation of war, tho railways of tho U. S. had voluntarily organized themselves them-selves for doing their part, and tho government has never expressed a wish with which they havo not Immediately Im-mediately and efficiently compiled. Sandy Main street paved, cost $8000. Will have city hall. Mldvalc New water system near completion here, cost $25,000. Salt Lake Silver King Consolidated Consoli-dated ships $5441 cars from now mill. Dig Cottonwood Prlnco strikes $150 silver ore. Silver Fork active place with three operating companies. Salt Lake 800 head of .cattle sold I hero for $16,000. I Provo Dcnch crops show big Increase. In-crease. Vegetablo and fruit production produc-tion will be bounteous, according to railroad officials. Salt Lake Work Is resumed on Eldorado Gold mlno. Provo New Investment company Incorporates horo'nt $TO,000. Salt Lake Montana-Dlngham Con. ships $3300 carload. Salt Lako Ilebullt plant at Wood's Cross running. Marysvlllo Forwarding company Incorporates here tor $5000. j Salt Lake Largo warehouse being I orected here. I Ogden $7931.17 contract award-' cd for sidewalks here. Do you want this stato to becomo tho homo of prosperous industries or do you favor political agitation and strikes? Do you want a prosperous community or do you favor clas3 hatred and warfaro on capital? Aro you I. W. W. or American? Provo Itoad work to begin hero soon. Ogden Lakevlow mining company to erect mill near Saline, first unit to cost $20,000. Lebl Improvement bolng made at sugar factory hero. Sunset Mining company putting In machinery to lncreaso output. Salt Lake A shortago of' labor has compelled tho United States Smelting & Hcflnlng company to place embargo on ore, thus temporarily tempor-arily decreasing tho output on tho mines. Ogden Work of laying asphalt Burfaco on Twenty-eighth street Is strated. t m |