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Show U. S. SENATE fl ASKED TO OUST M LAFOLLETTE St. Paul, Sept. 25. Expulsion of H Senator Robert M. La Follotto of jl Wisconsin from tho United State's H Senate Is demanded In a petition ad- ' 9 dressed to that body late today by tho j SH Minnesota public safety commission. HJ Senator La Follette Is nccuscd In tho ) H commission resolution of making on ) H address of a disloyal and seditious PIH nature nt a public meeting beforo a H largo audience at the Nonpartisan H league convention last Thursday 'H night In this f-l Tho commission also referred to A JJ tho United States district attorney j, jH tho matter of tho conduct of Senator VNiiiiifl La Follette and others at tho samo f'lillllllH meeting witli a request that tho par- "H ties, If found to have violated any 'll federal statutes, bo vigorously proso- j ' Tho commission's action came at ' rl tho closo of an executive session giv- en almost exclusively to consideration rH of tho La Follette speech and n ' rtl searching examination of A. C. Town- aH ley, president of tho Nonpartisan ,, lcaguo. Tho latter expressed his dls- 'ijfll appointment at tho statements In Ifll which tho senator Indulged nnd dls- JHI claimed responsibility for permitting Kl I tho utterances. . H j Mr. Town ley told tho commission Y, fj that tho league, organized In North H Dakota last year, now lias moro than (1 H 100,000 members, of which approxl- H y'ialllllfl mutely 40,000 nro In Minnesota, 20,- I'fliijiiH 000 aro In North Dakota and a llko iil number in South Dakota, whllo tho Jl remaining 20,000 members nro scat- laHHHIIIH tcred over four or five other states, Itftl extending south to Oklahoma. Tho ilSrl first purposo of tho league, ho said, dp H Is to protect tho Interests nnd the ill H welfare of tho farmers. UH |