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Show INTERESTING COURSE IN 1 HISTORY AT A. C. 1 Ono of tlfe most interesting course? B to bo offered by tho Utah Agricultur- I BJ al college tho coming year will bo tho Vm military history of tho United Statos, m, according to Professor F. II. Dalncs, H head of tho history department. This J courso will havo n vital Interest bo- R causo of. tho present war. It will ' concorn itself not alono with ac- ,' counts of tho various campaigns con- ducted by American generals, but j will seok to discover tho causos bo- ji hind each wnr and tho results of tho. following. Special lectures on tho various purely military phases of tho moro Important campaigns and battles bat-tles will bo glvon by Captain Stophon Abbot, U. S. A., commandant of tho cadet battalion. Another now courso will bo tho ono offered by Assistant Professor ,; D. E. Robinson for practical courso t students. This will bo a study of ; tho growth of civilization as It has j been dependent upon agricultural conditions. Particular stress will bo laid upon tho groat influence' soil V and climatic conditions havo had up- 1 on tho development of civilization. f Amplo opportunity will also bo glv- j on tho student to study conditions fil back of tho present world war In jH various coursos in European and H EnglUh history, while the many rogu- H lar courses given in tho past will H bo retained. ,'H '.IB |