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Show NEWS OF THE WEEK FROM RICHMOND Richmond, Aug. 31. Wo sometimes some-times feel if It wero not for tho cruel war to darken tho Bkles of poaco and contentment, wo would surely be happy, ns we have no causo to bo otherwise with pleasuros and plenty all around; but such occasions ns wo attended Sunday afternoon, vhn yo parted with two of our homo boys, Alvln Lawrence nnd E. S, Shrlvo of Frnnklln, both bidding good-byo to their friends and going awny to servo their country, It is nt such times wo aro forcibly reminded of that awful demon wnr and tho pleasures and plenty lose their savor whllo Joy bo-comes bo-comes mixed with sorrow. 1 Mr. Lawrenco was enlisted in tho Medical corps, and Mr. Shrlvo will Join tho nrtHlcry. A big demonstration demonstra-tion was given tho boys. About ono hundred nutos, led by tho Sllvor Cornet Cor-net band, accompanied them to tho Interurban dopot, nnd thoy left on the 6:29 enr for Salt Lako City. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ualnoy nn- nounco tho engagement of their daughter, Goldlo, to Mr. F. A. Droad- stono of Hyrum, tho marrlngo to tako 'place In tho early fall. Mr. Harrison Woodbury of Salt Lako City Is visiting with Mr. C. Leo Merrill. It was Mr. Woodbury who was at tho bedsldo with Leo in a hospital hos-pital In Now Jersey whllo sick with fever. Mrs. Roscoo Merrill has returned from Mnntl, whero sho has been visiting vis-iting with her parents. Last Wednesday sixteen farmers of Salt Lako county landed hero for tho purpose of seeing what wo havo and getting acquainted with their brother fanners in this vicinity. Dinner waB served at the Wm. Hendricks Confectionery. Con-fectionery. It Is reported that all the visiting farmers, as well as our home men, wero particularly struck with tho beauty of tho slx-acro corn patch belonging be-longing to Mr. Chas. Merrill. It was estimated that tho corn stalks stood from 12 to 11 feet high nnd bearing cobs about two feet long. Mrs". Lydla Woodland is entertaining, entertain-ing, as guests from Salt Lako City, Mrs. E. S. Alrmcnt with their three llttlo ones. A weo young lady arrived nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrott, now residents of Smlthfleld. Mr. Herbert VanNoy Is back to his homo town. For sovoral months lie has been omployed In farming at Vernal. Mrs. C. W. Scott, who has boon homo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frnnco Anderson, on a two mouths' visit, has returned to her homo In San Diego. Mrs. Peter Madsen of Brlgham Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jorgon Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fisher received as guests from Graco, Idaho, Monday, Mon-day, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hnrrls and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mod-ford Mod-ford and sons. Mrs. Emellne Harris, who has been visiting at Graco, returned re-turned homo with them. Stories aro afloat that two vory conspicuous characters havo been seen lodging In tho hills between Richmond and Smlthfleld. Some will havo It that thoy aro I. W. W.s and bent on mischief. It may bo well to keep eyes open. Mrs. Ray VanNoy entertained n few of her most intimate friends nt a Dutch luncheon Monday ovenlng. A flno tlmo was reported. Miss Gladys Pack Is visiting with friends in Salt Lako City. Mr. Obid Plant, with four other companions, went to Preston springs Sunduy evening for n swim, and whllo diving In tho pond Mr. Plant slipped In somo way and was thrown against one of the ropes that servo as support sup-port to hold to whllo wading about tho pond. The forco with which Mr. Plant was thrown against tho rope Injured his spine, and It was fearod that bones wore broken, as tho lower part of his body bocamo paraltzed and remained so for throo days. Howovor, sensation is returning, and his parents and friends fool much on- fOontinuod oa PMf 8) |