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Show $55,000 NOW AVAILABLE FOR BEAR LAKE ROAD Tho socretnry of agriculture. , through tho forest supervisor at Ogden, tho Stato Road commission ot H Utah and tho county commissioners of Cache and Rich counties, havo flH finally agreed upon a contract, which p provides that a first class highway will bo constructed from Logan, In Cacho county, to Garden City, In Rich county, under tho supervision of tha H secretary ot agriculture and to bo H known as the Logan-Oardon City pre- pVS We understand that It Is simply H a matter ot tho county commissioners H ot Cacho and Rich countlos affixing; pVH their signatures to tho contract and IkH tho construction work will begin Im- pFH mediately thereafter. Tho contract fl provides for an ostlmated expenditure liH ot $55,000 for survey and construe- IkLI tlon and $100 per1 mllo per annum Jil for malntalnanco. pFH Ono-half ot the monoy will ha furnished by tho federal governmont ,PH through tho secretary of agriculture tpPS and tho other halt will be furnished. PH by the stato of Utah and the two nPH I counties. Wl It Is hardly necessary to point out iPPJ tho valuo ot such a highway to tho pPpPJ pooplo, not only ot Cacho and Rich pPpPJ counties, but to tho poople ot tho pPpPJ entire stato. The fact that the fed PPPJ eral government has passed a law1 DH by which It Is possible to get financial IPH aid In the construction ot such high- , fM ways In only another Importance our J 'ial government Is attaching to the con- , jPJ atructlon ot public highways. I '9J |