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Show PROCLAMATION (By the President ot the United States.) Inasmuch as our thoughts as a nation are now turned In united purpose pur-pose towards the performance to the utmost ot the services and duties which havo assumed In the causo ot justlco and Liberty. Inasmuch as but a small proportion ot our people can have tho oppor-tuhtty oppor-tuhtty to serve upon the actual field, offchattle, but all men, women and children alike may serve and servo effectively by making it possible to caro properly for those who do serve under arms at home and abroad; And inasmuch as tho American Red Cross Is tho official recogntzod agency for voluntary effort In behalf be-half ot the armed forces of tho nation na-tion and tor the administration of relief; Now, therefore, by virtue of my authority as President of tho United States and President ot the American Red Cross, I, Woodrow Wilson, do hereby proclaim tho weok ending June 25, 1917, as Red Cross Week, during which the people of the United States will be called upon to give gonerously'and in spirit of patriotic sacrifice for the support and maintenance ot this work of national need. WOODROW WILSON. |