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Show A YOUNG GHILO IS KILLED' AT LEWISTON LEWISTON, Aug. 16. The little eight year old son of Mr. and Mis.' Itohert Draper was accldently killed Monday. Tho child was sont to bring tho cow homo which was kept staked by tho roadside. While coming" In In some unknown manner hu becamo ontagled In the rope nnd was diagged to death. Tho head was badly crushed crush-ed and many bruises about the body. . Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday. Interment was made at the Smlthfleld cemetery. Mrs.'Luolla Wiser entertained with (a canyon party Thursday afternoon. .The afternoon was spent at Lowe's paik at Franklin. Tho hostess served serv-ed a delicious luncheon, fine enough for a king. Tho tablo was daintily spread In a shady nook with a center piece of violets and sego lllties Tho ladles spent n most enjoyablo afternoon after-noon and especially tho hospitality of Mrs. Wiser. Tho Misses Ethel Shocks and Ruby Swlnyard entertained with a party Friday evening. About thirty-fivo guests were present. Dainty refresh ments were served. The evening was spent In dancing, music and games. Mrs. Cronk loft for SUhfield Friday Fri-day where she is engaged to nurse Mrs. Ida Merrill. Mrs. Galo Lewis spent Friday at Lewlston. Bishop G. A. Hogan and Andrew Wiser spent Wednesday afternoon at Lqgan C n Miss Jean Harrison of Cove spent part of the week with Mrs. H. II. Harrison of Lewlston Mrs. Gertrude Rawlins entertained the LadleB Art and Literary club on Friday afternoon. The diversion of the afternoon was music, whtch was furnished by Miss Miss Rosengrccn, Miss Thajn and Miss Larsen of Logan. Lo-gan. Th music was finely rendered and appreciated very much by the ladles. Nino tlub members wcro present. The hostess served dainty refreshments. Miss Arlan Olsen of Salt Lake was tho guest of Mr. Leland Van Orden Thursday evening. Mrs. E. M. Stocks, Mrs. Reela An-dorson An-dorson and Mrs. Edna Huttaballe of rfewdale, Idaho, returned home Wednesday Wed-nesday after spending several days at Lewlston. Mr. and Mis. Wlllaid Hendricks spent the early part of the week at Ogden. Dr. J. M. Ilcrnltlsel spent Monday last at Salt Lake on business. The Lewlston Athletic club held a business mooting Filday evonlng nnd tho following officers weie elected (Continued on Tage Five) YOUNG CHILD KILLED AT LEWISTON (Continued front Pago One) for the coming year: president, Wm, llyor; manager, O. E. l'opo and trensmer, l'reston rond. Mr. and Mis. Moso Qustaveson, Mrs. Emma Telford and Miss Nell Telford spent Friday "at Logan. I Mrs. Lettle Stocks spent Friday at Itlchmond. Dr, W. 11. Parkinson was In Logan on business Friday. Marshal John Toulson Is taking a few days vacation al Bexburp, Idaho. Ida-ho. Mr. M. 0. Hell Is preparing to move his family to Michigan whoio ho will specialize In eloctilcnl repairing. repair-ing. Mr. Bell expects to bo gone about a year. Mr Selton Lewis of Star valley has purchased tho llttlo homo iccont-ly iccont-ly constructed and owned by W. D. Bell. MIfh Sadie Bcruhlscl spent the week nt Thatcher, Idaho. Lewlston's baseball glory Is Increasing. In-creasing. Ono gamo was won from the Garland team Sntutday and ono Sunday from Downey. Tho team will contlnuo their tour to northern points of Idaho. Mr. and Mis. J C Lai sen of Tracy Calif , aro spending sonic time nt Lo- pan Mrs Larsen's health Is very poorly Sho will rccotvo medical attention at-tention nt Logan. Tho family of F. M. Stephenson havo returned to Lewiston. Mr. Stephenson will follow later. Miss Uni Waddoups Is making a tour of tho Yellowstone paik with the Egbert family of Fnlrview. Mr. Jos. Lewis, Mr. Brlgham llyor lly-or and Mr. John Poulson returned home Sunday ftom a trip to Bexburg. Idaho. Mr. Wm Clover entertained a num-( bet of guests at Buppcr last Monday evening. |