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Show U. A, G. SUMMER ! SCHOOL VERY SUCCESSFUL The Agricultural College of Utah t begins Us fall quarter September 15 under conditions which aro more t favorable than have ever confronted ithe Institution before, according to President E. G. Peterson, who ha3 , just Issued a Btatenu'Ji describing tho changes that the coniliit; year i ""VJH see In the InstlluHiu. The sum-S sum-S wer'B Improvements ,iri proceeding IJq'' ns rapldlly as labor conditions per-. r nilt, gays Dr. Peterson, the hope b- ' ing that the additions to tho plant will be in readiness for llic l.Me fall and winter work. Thoso changes ln- i elude the construction a.) ' equipping i of. the agricultural cnginea'ing liti'hl ing, tliVs completion and e.iu'pp'ng of tho live stock building, tr3 ron3'ruc. Uoh and equipping of plant Indus-jry Indus-jry building and tho completion of tho 0r new horse barn. Manv minor Improvements Im-provements aro being pmhc I rapidly including the addition I) thu heating heat-ing plant, tho new wli'i lg and light Ing system, and the .lev water and spi Inkling system extending to tho parked area now undr construction to the cast of the main buludlng. I"" Following is part of President . Peterson's statement to the state. The summer quarto has boon vry successful, this lnstltult being one. of tho few western jU'u to register regis-ter an increase In Its summi"" school enrollment. "A unit of the coan ntMiii rv cirpa has been established at ih collot,';, and a motor transport unit w'll likewise like-wise be estalblshed .ut soop as con-gross con-gross acts upon tho appropriations. This will give the college a ra'os choice allotment of itrJ't The prospects pros-pects for superior atheltlc teams wlitch will bring honc I") the coIIoro are good. The glee sin and other mslcal organizations plan to Iwpin ' the year's work at the Hun uf Uio ' state fair. In debating and drama tics likewise a very promising year i Is ahead of us. ' The colllego Is strenfiit iiirm '.'a work In home economics. The ma-L ma-L Jor department of food and dietetics fc textiles, clothing and millinery and jfcmsehold administration, .tncliiahii; )I sanitation, nursing and pmctlco I heme work) are better oran'retl and M staffed today than over baftvv in ilf Ij history of the college. Besides this A .work tlioro 'Is open to women tho fcjjfl work in art, music and tin Renoir! Jr wlence. Tho proper education of H women Is one of the sacr.'.l nllg.i- V tionq of tho college to the ft.tie. I "Tho health sorvlco Initialed next I year, is of utmost Importanco in sm- dents, A foo of ono dollar njr quar-E quar-E ter will be charged all stulou's In return for which the college physician physi-cian with tho aid of a nurse, or nurses If necessary, will care for the health or tho students. Wi"iaat, charge each student will be given free medical attention and a supervising super-vising nurse will be ayailabl, constantly con-stantly foi advice. The commander medicines likewise used by th students stu-dents will bo paid for by the college Jm cases Involving major operd-iopi if and the porsonal attendanco of n t nurso constantly, the expenso will of. nocesslty bo paid by tlijj students. It Sn obvious that tho health servlco will result in a very largo savl ig the students and, moro Impoilnnt than this, will prevent dlseaso and nafoguard their health much more satisfactorily than has been poistulo heretofore. "Tho domand for students lra.ce.1 at the collogo is ono of the most stimulating things of recent wire.. ', Moro than two lucrative poi tiona, ff 1 were open for ovcry graduate of tho class of 1919, and there Is a constantly con-stantly Increasing demand for students stu-dents and graduates at yery promising promis-ing salaries. Tho coming year la j;n-. Ing to bo a year of oxtrome interest i an d I want to encourage ever stu-. dent who has started through colif). to finish, Tho world never hold tin-or tin-or opportunities than right now, nod .the hnrd discipline nnd the In'ufitry which comos from closo nnd diligent, nppllcatjon to work will mako real leaders of tlto west out of tho yjung ; mon who are hero. Thero -Is no moro pitiable wasto than that represented repre-sented by a young man or young woman wo-man who falls to graBp tho opportunity opportun-ity which today presents, nnd who ten years from now will bo a moro lifter In the' world's work when ho or she might havo been ono of the outstanding out-standing leaders. |