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Show H LIGHT CROP OF APPLES H IS REPORTED FOR v H THIS YEAR Hj Accotdlng to a special commercial fl nppl" crop leport Just received by H the Uxpertment Station of tho Utah H Agricultural College which wes pro- H pared by tho II. 8. Bureau of Crop PH ' ICstlmntes. "Utah Indicates a fairly M light crop or about 83 por cent or H v last year. Utah county will havn( M about 2 GO cars, Davis county, 123 ( 1 cava, while Weber. llx Klder anl BH Cache counties will each ship lejU H . tlinn firty cars. Jonathan, one of tho J H two leading varieties. Is lopoitcdj PH ' PHr "Tho commercial production1 for VH the United States Is now osttmnted at B 23 075.000 barrels us comprod wltH H 2-J.7lO.000 barrels in 1918. Tho box M apple crop promlso to bo 30.C7G.OilO PbV boxes as compared with 21,309,000 , H( boxes In 19U, or an tucreaso or tl , B per cent In tho box applo crop, Tho PBBJ barrtU OPP'o crop on thu olhrj- hand K promlHee to be 12,SG0,()00 barrelH aa . H'. compared with 17.CG7.000 barrels In ( P 1918," or 73 per cont ot last year's PH Imrrol apple crop." |