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Show WhoWonlheWar? H Pre. Wilton Sayi America Did. H Gen. Haig Sayi Britain Did. B Who won the war? This Is ono oC H the nueatlnns that the pence confer jH rucc to B 1'realdeut Wilson gave the American H nnswer In n speech on board thu George Washington July 4. H Field Miirshnl Halg gave the BrlN siiiB Uh answer In uu address In Ncwcas H Presldrnt Wilson said: IH "Then America went In, and If It B had not been for America the wAr Q would not hnve been won. My heart H swells with pride that I i-annot ox- H luebk when I think of the men who H rrofxed the sens from America to flcht B nn tboae hntltenelda." H General lliilg said: H "Dun't forget It wub the Drltlsh cm- H plre that won this war. W talked a great denl about our allies. It wan H nrci-bkury and right thul we shoultl H tin no lo buck llu-iii up nil we could H i while the fighting wns going on, but H don't forget It was the HrillKh einplra jH j that won .t |