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Show WOMEN DEMAND 1 WARS SHALL END Peace League Means More to Them Than It Can Mean H to Men.; H DR. SHAW'S STIRRING PLEA. H (By the Late Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.) H Seven million one hundred thousand '! men who hud laid down their lives In M Ihe great wur. Think of Itt Seven M million, one hundred thousand young men hud died on the Meld ot battle I ' H Wl.ut does Hint mean to the women M of the world? It means that seven M million one hundred thousand women M walked day by day with their faces H toward an open grave Hint tbey might H give life to a sou. It means that ,H seven million one hundred thousand H Utile children lay In dm nfms of a fl mother whose love hud liindo them d face even Ihe terrors ot death thnt M they might become the mothers ot I It menus Hint your nfter year theso H I women hud put up their lives Into (ho H lives ot their sons until tbey hnd roar- .H ed them tn be men. For what? In H the hope that these sous of theirs could iH give to tbi) world the things for which 'H women dream, Ihe things for which B women hope and pray nnd long. Theso H were the things thnt the women bad H In their hearts when they gave birth 'H to their sons. H Hut who can estimate the value ot H seven million one hundred thousand H ' dead sous ut the women of the world. H I Who can estimate the price which (h H women have paid for this war; whub ' tH It bits cost them, not only In the death M of their sons, becuitsn Hint Is a phase lM of our war tn which we look. H The Courage ef Women. iH We hear our orator tell im of tho ! courage of our men. How they went H cross the bh. Very few ot them re- H member to tell us ot the coura.Q of JlH our women, who also went across tho M sen ; of the women who died nursing ,H the sick and wounded; tlm women H who died In the hospitals, where tlm 'H terrible bombs came and drove them H almost to mmlness. They tell us 'i-H nothing of the forty tbousund English M women who went lo work back of the M trenches in France. 'U They tell us nothing of the thou- 'M sands upon thousands upon thousands U of women who not only tolled und M worked uml slaved In order Hint tho wur might ho successful, but we do M not bear of the .thousands ot women, M not alone In Armenia, not alone hi JH Montenegro, not alone In Serbia, but M In Flanders, In Ilelgliiin, In Humnnlu, M In ItiiHsIa the thousands ot women ,M who lie In graves today, murdered, ,M so horribly murdered thut men dure :M not speak of It. And yet we women are usked what 'jB we know- about the League of Nu- tad thins; asked what we can understand H about ii League of Nutlous. Oh men I M the horrible deaths; the horrible lives H of thousands upon thousands of wo. IH men today In all these nntlons, who M must live, nml who must look In Hit) H faces of children uuvvelconied, undo- H Hired. of little children and know H that iIicm' ure the result of wur, H And then ask women why they H should ho Interested In a leugtiu ut H pence? H Women Suffer Most From War. M If there is uny body of citizens In fJjS tho world who ought to bo Interested ' K In a league to ultimately bring to tint j&& world pence it Is the mothers of men, & und the women who suffered us onlj .hgj women can suffer In tho wur and In fi devastated countries. Eg' And vve cull upon them, we women BE of the world cull upon tho men who Wk have I ii fighting nil these buttles ol H the years, the men who have led jB uiiiiles, and led armies closo to their -My deaths. J We ure now calling upon the men "fS8 of the wot Id to In some way or un- "XS other find a passage out ot the sea ot w dentil. We are asking them to form "Jf a I en cue which will bring hope to tho s$B women of the future, if ,vvoiiieii are Mk to bear sous only that they may die, sH if women may not hnvu hope '; and aspirations for their children, KU It women may not dream tho d roams , iPj that huve In them the hope of His " K? highest civilizations, the highest morul g und spiritual life of the people. If wo- n men may not huve these In their , M heitrlN us tho mothers of men, then 'K women will cense to desire tv he, (ho . 'M mo l hers of meu. And why should ' fi tliey uot? Why should thejr not? , ,. . ' -rjl fcJ-- rr1-------------! |