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Show U. S. IS HAMPERED BY THE LACK OF THE , METRIC STANDARDS STAN-DARDS SAN FUANCISCO, August 25. In his monumental report, "Amcr-i "Amcr-i I lea's Munitions," Just Issued, licno-, i i diet Crowell, assistant xecretary of I war and director of 'munitions, reveals re-veals that the United States was hampered ham-pered In the world war because wo did not use the metric system of measurements employed by the French and all our other allies, except ex-cept Britanla. In numerous Instances Instanc-es he shows that the lack of universal univer-sal standards of measurement meant that in the making of munitions, the American oidnance engineers lost weeks nnd oven, months of time on tho part of whole staffs of experts working at high tension. Concerning the manufacture of the famous "75" cannon, the report says: "To avoid delnys and confusion, we I p . - .,... . - -- . - . decided to redesign tho American and British guns (of similar size) to I' make their bores uniformly 75 millimeters, milli-meters, thus simplifying the ammuit-. ammuit-. ltlon problem and making available to us In case of shortage tho supplies sup-plies of shell of thin size In France." The World Trade club of San .Francisco has urged that the United .States adopt the Metric system, not j only because of Its superiority to our j present weights and measures, hut also In order that our nation be able .to go speedily to the aid of France, and coordinate our resources with hers, In caso of future attack. |