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Show THE A B C OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS'! ii By DR. FRANK CRANE. ji 1. What it the League of NatlonlT j A A (in Ion of the st longest ihlhri'il 1 nation rornii'il lit the mukIiiMoii or IJ till1 UlCilt Mir lr 2. What Is Its object! A. 1'lrst. to luotnok- the lViue of J tho World hj nierlm: hot to tcoit to i war. Second, to dull openly with ' onoh other, not li vewt treaties. If Tlilid. to Impioxc Inteimitlciniil Inw If Poiit-th, to m iiici'nte In nil mattem ot common eoin nil, 1 1 3. Does It presume to end wart .1 A. No iiimo tlinn 1 1 1 1 pi eminent l run enil eilinr It claim to leilnee tho ,j llnlilll, uf Will. j " A. What will be done to any nation 1 1 that makes war7 ". A It will ho liojrottrd nnil older- Ij wNc neiinlli'il. ij 5. Mow else will the probability ol j war be lessened? , j A. Hi m! iiloi'j, niuliiiil nml ro- ! Iiorllomito ilNuriumniMit ; hj o itn I! ItiK iiillltiiM liifnriiiiiilon, hj pi i lillne j for lit lilt t'nl Inn, by pintoi'tlni; encli nil-tlon' nil-tlon' ten Ii. ii tul Intosrlty nml hj villi ; cntliiK lnilill) uiInloii lo t-eo tho foll of vnr. G. What else does the League pro. pote to do for Mankind? A, (1) Serum full' tioiitnient for IllllOl, (") miiii("n lhi Whlto Sl.no Tuilllr, the miIo of ilmiKorni a liu"-. nml the tinllle III i r Mnnltloii. (".) iimtiol mill prevent IMsriiso. (I) pi-ouioto tho woil; of tho Ueil t'lo", nml (.r0 istiihlUli Intel national Itu- ii'iinx foi oilier C'iiiim'h Hint couiei'ii tho hiiniun race. 7. Who are to be Charter Members of the League? . ' A. Tint-.United Stiitcx of America, Belgium, Hollvhi, Uracil, ltrltlsli K nipt ni-pt le, Ciiui'iln, AuMrnllii, -tMiutli Afilra, New eiihiinl, Inilln, China, ("nliii, Oei lio-SliiMiklii, Kiieiiilor, Kriiuee, (ireeee, 'illiileiuahi, Haiti, Uedjiiz, HoniliiriiK, Italy, .litputi, l.lherln, Nle-iirngtin, Nle-iirngtin, Paiiaiini, lVrn, Polimil, I'ortu-gul, I'ortu-gul, ltunmiihi, Serbia, Sliini, Uriiguay nnd the following tiitea whlr.li lire Invited In-vited to accede to the ioeiiniit: Arncii-Hue Arncii-Hue Ueimhllc, Chill, t'oloinhlii, Hen mark, XetherluiiiN. Ni'innj, I'm nemo. 1'ernln, S,nlBilor, ;-',i.i ti. Swi'ileii. ijw'itzerhiiiil, Vene.iiehi. 8. What other nations may Join? A. Any cir-goeiutng Stutu whbh will iign-e to the' rule, ot llnl.eiigtie. piculdeil the League iicccpt It. 9. What Agencies will the League have? A. (1) All Assembly, composed of lepiesenlnthew of nil thu member Nnlliiii, CJ) a Coilliell of Mm, (It) n Seoreturj-tlenenil, (-1) h Mniiiliitiii'i Conitulsslon, to look ll f I er lololiles, etc., r) ii I'eiiiiiiiii'Ul ('ouiiiiIkhIou, for mllltur notions, (I!) MU-loim liileriiiitlounl Hll- realm; kiicIi oh the 1'oittiil Union, etc., (T) MitiiihilarlcM. 10. What Is a Mandatary? A. Some one nation tlcxlguitlcd by the l.eiigtie to attend to the welfme of "luickwnrtl peoples residing In colonies of Hie Central KinplreH, tir In tenl-torles tenl-torles ttiken from them." Thin Ik to he a "niiered trust," nnil In eleclng u mandatary the wishes of (he people of the men In question slnill be the pilneipnl coiixlderallou. 11. Does the League mean a Super nation? A. No. It Interfere In no wm.v with any Nut Ion's Sovereignly, except to limit Its power to attack other natlous, 12. Can any Nation withdraw when it wishts7 A. Yes. The I.eMguo In, Advisory and Co-operatlte. not ooercle. 13. Dessths League put Peace above Justice and National Honor? A. No. It puts Iteuson before Violence. Vio-lence. 14. Does not the League take away the Constitutional right of Congress to declare war? A Nn. The League run advice war; emigres alone can Declare war. 15 Docs It destroy the Monroe Doctrine? Doc-trine? A Kindly the contrniy. Tor the lli st ilme In hlsioi) the nthcr nations renii iilyo tlio .Monroe Pncti'luu; nml J .-Mi ml It to nil the world I 13 Does It not lnorferr with Treaty Making Powers of ths United States7 No. It Is it Treaty. .v. win i.i.j ,ni 1 icnty we pleii"o. 17. Would ve have had. the Great War if we nad had this League? No Thul Wur cfil the world over 7,0')0,000 Hvm arid 'JOO.OOn.OOO.OOO 'liilliir. 13. Of what Importance Is ths Lcaguo? A ll is tho greatest deed of mankind man-kind In thu ItlBtoiy of the world. 19. Has not anyone a right to object ob-ject to the League? A. Yes. This 1b n freo country Any. ono lias a right to nny opinion ha clnioses, 20. Why Is the League so bitterly opposed by a few? A. llccnuse, unfortunately, nny Treaty or League must he made by tho President, nml n 1're.slUent Is chosen by a political payty and tunny members mem-bers of thu opposite Party think they must decry viliaUiejr be docsj . |