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Show OIL I.MH'HTItY RfEETS ' "f SITUATION i . - I The oil Industry has met and Is I meeting tho tromendouoa war demands de-mands for gasoline and oil in a way that-does credit to the Industry. It has been handicapped by leg- Islatlon and lack of legislation which has greatly hindered Its normal cx- panslon but In splto of that it has managed to produco beyond nil pro-"vlous pro-"vlous figure. In Director Rcequo ns head of the oil division or Fuel Administration Administra-tion tho Industry has a practical man wbo thoroughly understands tho situation and cannot bo stampeded stam-peded by alarmists. Leglslalon encouraging to further expansion of the industry Is still pending in congress and it is to be hoped favorablo action will soon ho M taken on. It. ,H 8as |