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Show HWIVILIANS TO THE FRONT An. order lias oeen iRsuod from Italian headquarters shifting nil officers of-ficers and men holding ofllco positions posi-tions Into actlvo servico, to bo ro placed by olncers and inon wounded In action. That's the stuff! No "desk grenadiers" for tho Italian army. ar-my. No Democratic party over there to work the administration for "slicker" Jobs while tho son of tho poor man who controls no votes Is ordered to tho firing lino. Tho Italian ofllcer who wears spurs nt t his desk will have tho satisfaction 'smmmmmm ot recalling that, ho formerly rodo H a war horso, that he smelled pow- BH der, and fought gas. He will havtt . acquired knowledge first hand of tho "V'mBBBBml needs of the men In the field, and JBBBBBBa not be a mere clerk in epaulets. Ho will be acquainted with army disci- BBBBBBBB pllne, courtesies and honors, and not LbBBBBBB be a happy-go-lucky irrepressible,, '"'sBBBBK snickering In tho safety ot his mBmBB "bomb proof" billet. Possibly a lit- vBBBBBb1 tie more ot the raw meat of crltl- 'smmBBBB clsm fed to Secretary Baker will) H nerve him to emulate Italy's order. H & : t i BBa upjHjn Bf'saaaaL n smaaaaaa tztjFF r'JS? u .smmmmrn iLwL?'VflBf v & u saasaaaai xb'.4B wwbw n smmmma blibsb"b"b"b'la ammmV .smmmma tTBBmreammmmakBV mmmmV it? - ! X llmmmmmmmmV 1 t. '" V Yt ibVI ' 1 ills'?; -'sXiBBBmm'l H jpvj?' ti? iUw'- -i B Lmmmma 1 ?i&i!iJ,y JBaalb- VALLACE REID 'LeBsThaaKttv' bbbbbI LYRIO THEATRE TONIGHT BaV |