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Show THANKS LADY WHO GAVE INFORMATION "I have already gotten" back about i eighteen pounds of the weight I ' lost while sick and now my health seems to bo Just perfect," said Harry V.'.Horlcher In a recent conversation conversa-tion at the Mattheson Hotel, 201 Columbia street, Portland, regarding regard-ing tho benefits ho has derived from tho use of 'J-anlnc. Mr. Horlocher Is a wjll known carpenter nnd 1b employed by tho Stniullfer Construc-ilon Construc-ilon company, of Vnncomcr, Washington, Wash-ington, "On the 20th day of !n-t March," explained Mr. Horlocher, "I was taken tak-en down with nn attack of stomach poisoning ptomnln poisoning, I believe be-lieve they call It which almost car' rlcd mo away, and since that tlmo, until I gqt Tnnlnc, nothing I would eat agreed with mo.- hWat Utllo I j did manage to cat would soon "sour, 'causing gas and terrlblo pain nnd misery. I lost my nppetlte nlmost entirely, nnd often just tho smell of antyhlng cooking would mako me . dreadfully sick at the stomach. My , food evidently "did mo no good, as I fell off from one hundred nnd eighty pounds to one .hundred .nnd fifty. I Just had to lay off from my work, as, I felt too weak nnd exhausted ex-hausted for several weeks to even attempt to do anything. Just climbing climb-ing up the steps to my room would take nil my energy and completely exhaust me. I was constipated nil tho time, had headaches, nnd notlcod that my nerves wero going nil to pieces, as I couldn't get a good night's sleep. Nothing did mo nny good and I had become uneasy nbout my condition. "Ono day while in tho Owl Drug store I 'happened to overhear a lady who was buying a bottlo of Talac, tell the man wao was waiting on her that she had beon suffering from stomach trouble for years nnd that Tanlac was the only medicine bIio had ever taken that did her any good. Well, sho didn't know It, but Just that ltttlo remark of hers sold mo n bottTi; or Tnnlnc right then nnd thcro nnd If I only knew her name I would like to thank her for putting mo onto tho thing that lias glv,4n me back my health and Mrongth. My stomach feels now like It Is'ln Jus, ns good Minpo ns It ever was. And such nn nppetlto as I do have I I believe I could eat flvo enls n day without Huf foiliiK a particle nfter-wards. nfter-wards. By using the Tnnlnc Tab- lots In connection with Tanlac I havo bocn relieved of constipation nnd I'm never bothered nny moro with hendnchc. I now feel a hundrod per cent strong and well, nnd am putting In full time nt my work nnd I certainly do think Tanlac Is n great medicine." Tanlac Is toia in togan by the City Drug Co.; In Wollsvllle, b Wellsvllle Drug Co.; In Smlthtleld by Rlter Bros. Drug Co.; In Hyrum by Hyrum Drug Co.; In Richmond by A. A. Thomas, aud In LowUton by Lewlston Drug Co. Advt. |