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Show ASKS YOUNG MEN TO JOIN COLLEGE GAMPS A special communication just received re-ceived by President E, G. Petotrson of tho Utah Agricultural Collego from P. P. Claxton. United Statei Commissioner of Education regarding regard-ing tho Student Army Training camp to be established at that Instl tutlon this fall, declares that tho young men of America today can best serve himself and his riatlotf by attending college the coming year. Making an urgont request that Pre-Ident Pre-Ident Peterson do everything In his power to bring before the young mon of Utah the Immense Importance Import-ance of college training at this time, Commissioner Claxton continues as follows: "How can I render tho most val uable scrvlco to my country during the period of tho war?" Evtry young man over elghtcon Is asking hlniRclf this question. The Wnr department has Just offered of-fered a now answer to tho question. They say: "Enter collego f you ira fitted to do so or return to collego If you nlready enrolled, and onlNt In tho Student Army Training Corj.s. By enlisting in tho Student Aimy Training Corps you will become n member of tho United States army. You will recelvo a Uniform and given giv-en military drill under omcers detailed de-tailed by tho War department. During Dur-ing tho early part of your courso you will rec?Ivo ten hours of military Instruction a week, six of which will bo drill rlflo prnctlco nnd otluer outdoor training and four of which will bo acndomlc work, for which mllltnry .credit Is given, iuch as mathematics, English, fors'gn language, lang-uage, history, sclonco etc. You will bo carefully rated both by tho college col-lege authorities and by the military officers who will help you to discover a special lino of military sot-vice for which you have tho greatest capacity capa-city and preference. Later In yur course'you will have an opportunity to specialize In a branch of training designed to fit you to become on officer offi-cer ot field artillery medical or engineer en-gineer officer, an exp.rt in some technical or scientific service, and so on. On reaching the aye ot twenty-ono twenty-ono you must register with your local lo-cal board. You may remain (n college col-lege until your call !f macho I un-dcr un-dcr tho Soloctlvo Service law. At that tlmo It will bo decided whether you will bo called Immediately to active service of whether you should remain In collego to completa tho courso you aro pursuing. Tho do-clslon do-clslon will dopond upon tho needs ot tlio serv'c? and upon your achievements achieve-ments in your mllltnrv work nnd in your i.'.udles as determined by tho mllltnry officers at tlin collego nnd by tho collego nuthoHHen, During tho summer you will hnvo nn opportunity to attond tho summer sum-mer camp for Intenlsva military training. Your traveling expenses to nnd from camp will bo pilrt and you will bo In nctlvo duty undor pay and subslstenco by tho War department. As a member of tho Student Army Training Corps you will bo subject'to call to active duly at nny tlmo In caso ot omorgoncy. If you deslro to enter actlvo nervleo buforo completing your colleso training, transfer to actlvo duty may bo arranged ar-ranged through military channels, (With tho consent of tin military authorities at tho collego and of tho collego ofllclal9. It will bo tho policy pol-icy of the government, however, to allow you to remain In collego until you reach tho ago of twonty-ono, or I until you completo your course. ttaH Previously thero havo been two WHB methods by which a young man 03 might outer tho National seTvlco. W& Uo might either enlist voluntarily -Jtf ns n prlvnto In tho army or a sea- 'JVSvJa man In tho navy, or ho 'mlghT re- "4st?W mala In civilian llfo until called to SWOT? nctlvu scrvlco at tho ago ot twenty- 'TX-"y one under tho colcctlvo aorvlco law. Obe'1 Tho Student Army Training Corps yf$A ropicsonts a third method of ontor- 'M? Ing tho scrvlco which has special ,lilr advantages for young mon fitted to ErA goto college. Wtk For further Information concern- sB Ing tlw Studont Army Training Corp H apply to tho Utah Agricultural Col- H lego, or to tho Commltco on Educa- H Ion nnd i Special Training, War do- H partment, Washington, D. C. H 'bH BflBfl ' '''BBB |