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Show SKKKINa DOWN THE BOvg "11 "Uacel 8am U jtt;a. leeUa plcay- vanlah when he colietta Income Ux- jjt). from the boyt at the froat." iWashlagtoB ptt. You said jit "preator love hath nq. man thVn (thls, uat a maa lay dowa.,hU Ufa for hla frleada." .That la what the ,man acrota tha teasU dolag, aad It It a paltry proceeding to tax him I while he Uvea, unlets" hit Income tt abnormal. The secretory of tke treasury hat taea' more or lest to ( sponsible for another phase ot this war fund raising activity, mnd"TKat it the pertlnacioui tollciUtlon which 'hat been visited oa' soldiers la Ue (camp to Bubtcrlbe to Liberty loan bonds, officers wave been Importua-I .ed to discourage their men to max-,lmum max-,lmum subscription "to make a record rec-ord for the outfit." If this country must raise loans from lU defendern it Is almost time to shut up shop." |